The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

Prime lambs, ewes and tups forward at Stirling


Caledonian Marts Ltd, Stirling, sold 1,999 prime lambs, ewes and tups.

A good show of lambs forward for numbers and quality, 1,553, saw the best trade of the season so far, with SQQ averaging 191.3p per kg and the overall average being 186p (+13p on the week or +24.6p on the year) with the average per head of £83.48 being +£12.01 on the year.

Top price of the day went to Doune Farms, West Lundie, for a 54kg Beltex at £103. Top price per kg went to K Graham, Easterton, for a 43kg Beltex at 228p.

Leading prices for prime lambs per head: Beltex £100 (3 times) West Lundie; Beltex X £100 and £96 (3 times) Meikle Seggie; Continenta­l £98 Blairmore; Continenta­l X £98 Easterton; Texel £97 Bankhead; Texel X £95.50 Auchenboth­ie; Suffolk £94.50 Greencraig; Mule £83 West Lundie; BF £82.50 Remony.

Leading prices for prime lambs per kg: Beltex 226p Balbedie; Beltex X 221p and 220p Meikle Seggie; Texel 220p Bankhead; Texel X 220p and 217p Borlick; Continenta­l 218p Blairmore; Continenta­l X 213p Inchgall; Suffolk 195p Fornought; Mule 184p West Kirkton; BF 186p Connachan.

Also forward were 447 cast ewes and tups. Heavy ewes averaged £87.34 selling to £170 for a Beltex from Robert Messenger, Ayton, Abernethy. Light ewes averaged £57.47 selling to £78 for Cheviots from W Thomson, Greenland, Dumbarton.

Other leading ewe prices: Texel £162, £154, £146 and £126 High Auchensale; £148 and £106 Gelvan View; £136, £122, £115, £105 Balaclava (Islay), £130 (twice) Bower Park.

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