The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

Hamilton will not let pursuit of world titles dominate his life


Lewis Hamilton insists he will not allow his chase to become the greatest Formula One driver in history take over his life.

Hamilton, 34, will next year go in search of matching Michael Schumacher’s record haul of seven world championsh­ips.

He is also just eight grand prix victories shy of the German’s all-time win tally, too.

But the philosophi­cal Briton, who clinched his sixth F1 title in Texas earlier this month, believes it will be a mistake to put his sole focus into pursuit of further glory.

“There are the drivers and athletes who train all day, every day, too much, they’re too focused, they’re too intense,” said Hamilton.

“I read this book, The Alchemist, and I liked the story. There is this kid who meets the King. The King says to him: ‘I don’t have time for you right this second, but take this spoon with a drop of oil.

“I want you to go round to my house, enjoy it, and come back to me later. But don’t drop any of the oil’.

“So, the kid goes around focusing on making sure he doesn’t drop any of the oil, and when he comes back, the King asks him: ‘Did you see my great sculptures? Did you see my great paintings?’ And the kid says he didn’t because he was too focused on the spoon.

“That spoke a lot to me. You can focus so much on your career, and doing the perfect job, that you miss the world and your whole life can go by.

“For everyone there are certain sacrifices and choices you have to make.

“When you win a world championsh­ip, it does feel incredibly rewarding because of the effort you have put in, and there are things you could have done that you didn’t do in the hope that it will position yourself better. It really is about finding the right balance.

“I wouldn’t change my life. I wouldn’t go back and change any of the sacrifices that I have made.

“I wouldn’t change anything. Racing has given my life purpose.”

Hamilton, who was speaking at the Gran Turismo World Finals in Monaco, also vowed to use his platform to inspire the next generation.

Last month, the Mercedes star provoked concern when he wrote on social media that he “felt like giving up on everything” following a series of posts about climate change.

“We all go through difficult days,” added Hamilton.

“I went through something yesterday, but I get positive messages from people, and I have good people around me, too.

“We all need to rely on each other.”

Hamilton will this week travel to the Middle East hoping to round out his fifth championsh­ip in six years with an 11th win of the campaign in Abu Dhabi.

 ??  ?? Lewis Hamilton is targeting seven world titles.
Lewis Hamilton is targeting seven world titles.

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