The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

Lapland trip is dream come true for Ruby.

Young Perthshire cancer sufferer makes visit to meet Santa


A six-year-old Perthshire girl with cancer who inspired a new charity book has had her Christmas dream come true after visiting Santa in Lapland.

Ruby Stewart from Inchture travelled to the cold north to meet Santa and help feed his reindeer.

The trip was made even more special as Ruby was originally supposed to go with the Make A Wish Foundation, which offers life-changing experience­s to children with critical illnesses, but she was too ill at the time, forcing her parents Andy and Claire to fundraise so they could take Ruby on their own.

The schoolgirl has stage four alveolar rhabdomyos­arcoma, a type of soft tissue tumour, after being diagnosed with the disease at only four years old.

Earlier this month a charity book inspired by the youngster, The Unicorn With The Ruby Horn, was released by copywriter Kevin Anderson whose son attends Inchture Primary with Ruby.

The picture book will raise funds for the Children’s Cancer and Leukaemia Group.

Kevin said the family were incredibly grateful for the support they received in making the Christmas dream come true.

“It has been a phenomenal success. It’s a fantastic way to end a year which has been really hard for them,” he said.

“She was originally supposed to go with the Make A Wish Foundation but she took a turn for the worse and she couldn’t make the timing of that.

“Her parents quickly raised about £8,000 through donations to their Just Giving page so this trip could happen.

“It was touch and go that she would be able to make it because she was in hospital with an infection.”

Kevin said the message he got from Ruby’s mum Claire was that the family were “so grateful for the support from everyone that has donated to the Just Giving page which made the trip possible”.

The Unicorn With The Ruby Horn book was released at the start of

December and has already raised more than £15,000 for charity.

One NHS employee at Ninewells Hospital, Lizzie Flood, who works on ward 29 where Ruby was treated, raised £1,500 on her own by selling the books.

Kevin said: “The support for both the Just Giving campaign and the book has been phenomenal and restores your faith in humanity.”

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 ??  ?? Ruby Stewart, who made the trip to Lapland after a fundraisin­g drive, makes friends with one of Santa’s reindeer.
Ruby Stewart, who made the trip to Lapland after a fundraisin­g drive, makes friends with one of Santa’s reindeer.

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