The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

Brexit chickens home to roost


Sir, – The Brexit chickens appear to have come home to roost.

With the UK’S departure there is no sign of the £350 million each week promised by the Leave campaign, and specifical­ly Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

Of course there is no sign of it because it was a lie. Conspicuou­s by their absence are the 40 trade deals Liam Fox said he would have ready the second Brexit happened.

Again this was another whopper.

Arch- Brexiteer Jacob Rees-mogg was saying what fantastic opportunit­ies lay ahead in the post-brexit utopia.

All this while the company he helped found, Somerset Capital, moved some of its operations to Dublin to continue seamless trade within the EU.

Michael Gove who said during the Brexit referendum that people were “fed-up” with experts. Now Gove is saying post-brexit trade with the EU will not be frictionle­ss after all.

He has implicitly conceded the experts were right after all.

Sajid Javid said the era of austerity was over. That wasn’t true either.

He is asking all government department­s to come up with 5% cuts across the board.

Brexit will usher in an era of nativism, isolationi­sm and a rise in racism across the UK.

This will be stirred up by the Tories in order to deflect blame from the coming economic chaos.

Even though Scotland rejected Brexit and has rejected the Tories since 1955, the Brexit chaos will affect here to.

There is no “legal” route for Scotland to leave the UK.

So in the absence of a Plan B from Nicola Sturgeon, this will be the situation for the foreseeabl­e future. Alan Hinnrichs. 2 Gillespie Terrace, Dundee.

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