The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

Police Scotland a total shambles


Sir, – Anyone with even a passing interest in police matters will have long ago reached the conclusion that Police Scotland is an unmitigate­d shambles.

It was created in an unseemly rush with no thought, or time, given to working out the practicali­ties of merging eight different forces in to one national force.

As a result it, and the scrutinisi­ng body, have stumbled from crisis to crisis, destroying public confidence in policing along the way.

In addition the beat bobby has become extinct.

There is now more chance of meeting a martian than a patrolling police officer in the East Neuk, where police numbers have been reduced to even less than the levels that pertained in the mid ’70s.

We now have the chief constable telling the Scottish Government that if things continue as they are, the force will have to shed 750 of the much vaunted 1,000 extra officers.

There are obvious risks both to police officers and the public if that reduction in numbers becomes a reality.

No wonder morale among frontline officers is at rock bottom.

It is time for the justice minister to abandon the photo opportunit­ies and sound bites that take up much of his time, and start to fight his corner to ensure that policing in Scotland is adequately funded.

If there is no increase in funding forthcomin­g in the next Scottish budget, my prediction is the present crisis will spiral out of control and Police Scotland will implode.

George Thomson. 44 Viewforth Place, Pittenweem.

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