The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

Pets in the garden


Outdoor enthusiast­s looking for a new pet have been advised on the animals that can live happily in UK gardens.

The team have revealed species that most enjoy life outdoors – from geese and chickens to goats and even bees.

Many owners get attached to geese because, although they’re renowned as excellent watchdogs, certain breeds are quite affectiona­te. A quarter of an acre of grass should be sufficient to provide a pair of geese with enough grass.

Chickens are small and easy to care for, making them ideal for beginners. Make sure they have fresh water, food and clean shelter, and they’ll be happy. In a five-foot by eight-foot space, you can keep three hens which can provide your family with at least a dozen eggs a week.

All poultry will attract predators such as foxes, so it’s important to provide them with a secure house for night-time surrounded by a strong, high fence.

Bees can be an amazing addition to your garden and, after the initial investment of the hive and other bee keeping equipment, they are cheaper to keep than most other animals. They’re also low maintenanc­e only requiring hive checks and a few in-depth inspection­s per year. Plus, you can expect about 20-30 pounds of honey a year from just one hive!

Pygmy and dwarf goats are perfectly packaged for backyard living. They only grow to about half the size of a typical goat breed, so in a 15 x 25 feet space you can set up an area for a pair of mini goats. Make sure you build solid fencing to keep them in. Some sort of shed is vital as they must be taken in overnight, or if it is rainy or cold.

If you don’t have the space to let chickens or geese free roam, consider setting up an outdoor aviary. There are a variety of species that will live outdoors quite happily together, including lovebirds, budgies, finches and quails.

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