The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

Calls to consider reopening courses


Calls have been made to support the golfing industry, with pleas to reopen courses “as soon as permitted”.

Leaders are warning the sport is facing a crisis due to empty clubhouses and courses, with some pointing out golf could be played while following social distancing measures.

Yesterday, MSPS quizzed public health minister Joe Fitzpatric­k about what the Scottish Government is doing to protect the sport.

David Mcpherson, secretary of Fife Golfing Associatio­n, said: “I’m deeply concerned about the access to support and the situation it leaves golf clubs in here in Fife.

“I’m pleased to have the opportunit­y for all the clubs to come together to voice our concerns and discuss ways of helping each other.

“Working collaborat­ively, I am sure initiative­s can be generated that can sustain golf businesses in Fife through this crisis.”

Similar concerns have been raised in Dundee, with Lochee Labour councillor Michael Marra urging Leisure and

Culture Dundee to prepare to reopen courses in the city.

He said: “Golf lends itself to social distancing in a way that few other sports played in Scotland do. The signs from government officials are clear that this will be among the first sports to return.

“The benefits of getting our golf courses open are clear for all to see – this would have huge benefits for fitness, mental health and quality of life.”

Mr Marra has also asked Dundee City Council to rethink the future of the now closed Camperdown golf course.

Last year councillor­s voted to close the course to save hundreds of thousands of pounds a year. It was due to be permanentl­y closed at the end of the month but this was brought forward when lockdown was announced.

A spokesman for Dundee City Council said its chief executive would respond directly to Mr Marra.

 ?? Picture: Kim Cessford. ?? Caird Park Golf Course, Dundee, has been virtually empty since lockdown.
Picture: Kim Cessford. Caird Park Golf Course, Dundee, has been virtually empty since lockdown.

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