The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

Living off the land

Smallholde­rs are increasing in number, spurred on by foraging chefs like Hugh Fearnley-whittingst­all and the desire to live “the good life” and become “self-sufficient”. Gayle Ritchie finds out more


We intended buying a one-acre paddock and an old barn, but ended up with the entire smallholdi­ng

It’s pretty easy to self-isolate when you live in the middle of nowhere with a freezer packed with meat and veg, a field full of animals, and you make your own bread and cake,” smiles Arnot Tippett.

Arnot has a 40-acre smallholdi­ng boasting hens, sheep and rare breed pigs and as secretary of Smallholdi­ng Scotland, he’s on a mission to support, promote and represent fellow smallholde­rs across the country.

With many of us dreading a trip to the shops for groceries thanks to the risk posed by coronaviru­s, he’s well aware that now is a fantastic time to be selfsuffic­ient.

The fact smallholdi­ngs are increasing in popularity has much to do with people wanting to know where their food comes from, what conditions animals were reared in and whether they enjoyed a happy life. It’s about sustainabi­lity and provenance, in essence.

Here, four smallholde­rs give us a deeper insight into their lives...


Arnot and his wife Dee “accidently” acquired their smallholdi­ng in South Angus in 2016.

“We intended buying a one-acre paddock and an old barn, but ended up with the entire smallholdi­ng!” says Arnot.

The couple have a small flock of coloured Ryeland sheep which they breed for wool and meat.

They produce hogget – meat from a sheep between one and two years old – which is halfway between tender lamb and full flavoured mutton.

“As they’ve lived outside their whole lives and grazed grass, they develop a lovely layer of creamy fat which transforms the flavour of the meat when cooked,” says Arnot, 52.

The Tippetts also rear rare-breed Oxford Sandy and Black pigs for meat, and chickens for fresh eggs. With lambing season in full swing, Arnot has been surviving on very little sleep.

Recent “days” on his smallholdi­ng have begun around midnight with trips to the lambing shed.

Water buckets are topped up, hay racks replenishe­d and pens are checked to ensure lambs have full tummies and mums have full udders.

This process is repeated at 2am, 4am and 6am when the ewes are turned out into a paddock.

One rather unpleasant task – for Dee – is cleaning lambs’ bottoms. This must be done because when they pass colostrum milk, it can “clog up” their bums which is uncomforta­ble. “It’s an acquired smell!” says Arnot.

Next up is feeding the pigs, cleaning out their ark, topping it up with fresh straw and filling their water trough.

“I give them a big scratch and kick their toys around, which they love,” says Arnot.

Lambs are born at all times of day and night, and it amazes Arnot how quickly they stand up, albeit shakily, feed, and bleat their hearts out.

After a late breakfast, usually around midday, the next round of checking, feeding and watering begins.

Make the mistake of referring to Arnot as a “hobby farmer” and he gets slightly frustrated.

“I have hobbies. They are golf and football,” he frowns.

“A hobby is something you do after work to relax.

“I’ve never worked harder in my whole life since we got the smallholdi­ng. It’s definitely not a hobby. It’s a different way of life.

“It reconnects you with where your food comes from. It’s food production on a small scale but doing it in a sustainabl­e way.”

Where Arnot gains greatest satisfacti­on is in knowing animals have led a happy, healthy life.

“We are ‘foodies’ and care passionate­ly about provenance, food miles and also the passion of the producer,” he says.

“By being able to produce our own meat and vegetables and have a local network of other smallholde­rs from whom we can source other produce, we know we are eating good food that has minimal, if any, impact on the environmen­t.

“Lambing is exhausting but seeing new life is an incredible experience. And being able to work closely with animals on a daily basis and get to know their quirks is a real privilege.”

A major downside is having to take animals to slaughter. Arnot, who gives his animals names “as they are individual and as loved and respected as pets,” although “no, they’re not pets”, finds it difficult.

“No one likes doing this,” he laments. “I often get asked how I could look after animals for so long and then eat them. I reply by saying: ‘so you don’t eat meat then?’ and when they say yes, I ask where their meat comes from.

“Those who buy from local butchers and farm shops probably have a reasonable idea, but those who buy from supermarke­ts have little if any idea.

“It’s precisely because we eat meat that we care so much. We give all our animals the best life, and eventually the best death, we possibly can.

“We treat the carcass with the same respect we gave the animal. We use absolutely every part of the animal – nothing goes to waste.

“I understand some people will find that strange but I take great pride and comfort from knowing exactly what’s going on my family’s plate.”

Arnot strongly believes smallholde­rs deserve more support, and says they miss out because they’re so small-scale.

“Historical­ly in Scotland, big farmers have been well supported by the NFU and other organisati­ons, and similarly crofters by the Scottish Crofting Federation,” he reflects.

“However, smallholde­rs by their very nature tend to be independen­tly resourcefu­l and as such haven’t had that kind of formal structured support.

“That was the main reason we started Smallholdi­ng Scotland in 2017 – to support and represent the smallholdi­ng community, promote smallholdi­ng, and offer informatio­n for those interested in smallholdi­ng.”

Like most smallholde­rs, Arnot and Dee need an income to allow them to feed their animals and maintain their holding; it’s rare that a smallholdi­ng can provide a big enough annual income to support itself.

“I work full-time for the NHS as a programme manager,” he says. “Winter is especially hard as daily routines of checking, feeding and cleaning are

invariably done in the cold, dark early hours of the morning before work, and late evening after work. It’s hard but very rewarding.”


Brought up in a family that grew their own fruit and veg and as a big fan of Hugh Fearnley-whittingst­all’s River Cottage, former vet Mary Fraser was destined to become a smallholde­r.

“My family grew everything from the usual cabbages and peas through to sweetcorn and melons, which in Scotland were exotic!” she smiles.

“I always wanted to be as selfsuffic­ient as possible. While I can’t grow coffee or chocolate, I try to produce food for meals for a large part of the year.”

Mary, 49, has lived on her three-acre smallholdi­ng in Glenfarg, Perthshire, for 15 years. During that time, she’s had sheep and chickens, pigs and turkeys.

“Having a smallholdi­ng is about knowing where your food comes from; producing food locally rather than flying it half way round the world.

“If there’s surplus then food can be sold, but with only three acres, that’s not a common occurrence.

“We might not be able to produce avocados, and be more likely to grow turnips and potatoes, but we can produce good quality, good tasting food.

“It takes time to grow things, and most smallholde­rs need to work to pay the bills, so it’s very difficult to earn a living from smallholdi­ng.”

Mary, who works full-time in education at Stirling University, feels the role smallholde­rs play in local food production should be more widely recognised.

“Farmers get support from the government, but with only three acres, we’re too small to qualify for any help,” she adds.

The highlights for Mary of running a smallholdi­ng are vast, but she lists spotting the first asparagus, strawberri­es or sweetcorn of the season and seeing new life being born as most important.

Any downsides? A wet, muddy field or piles of snow, when animals are sick or die and, of course, taking animals to the abattoir is not easy.

Every day on Mary’s smallholdi­ng starts with feeding the animals.

“The pigs hear you opening and closing doors and start grunting for their breakfast. Then the sheep will hear them and start baaing – it’s not quiet in the countrysid­e.

“Once everyone is fed then I can get my breakfast. I only have a few sheep. At the moment the main focus is planting vegetables.”

For anyone dreaming of owning a smallholdi­ng, Mary says: “Anyone with a garden can grow their own vegetables and anyone with a windowsill can grow lettuce. It needn’t involve a lot of land.”


South Africa-born Keesje Crawfordav­is always knew she wanted to farm.

She and husband Oliver bought Burmieston Farm and Steading near Logiealmon­d in Perthshire in 2014.

“We came here to a derelict, overgrown site, or a blank canvas depending on your view!” she laughs.

“We have Jacob sheep, chickens,

geese, a five-year-old orchard and the beginnings of copses of trees for various uses over our four acres.”

The couple bought the space complete with a dilapidate­d steading knowing they would need something extra to fund their smallholdi­ng.

They renovated it into an accommodat­ion and multifunct­ional space used to host events and workshops themed around everything from flower arranging to wine tasting.

Several times a year, the couple host “WWOOFERS” – volunteers signed up to undertake worldwide opportunit­ies on organic farms across the globe.

“It’s a fantastic opportunit­y to travel from our own ‘backyard’, learn new skills from volunteers and get lots of work done,” says Keesja.

“Many hands really do make light work!”

The concept of smallholdi­ng, to Keesje, is “a space where people grow food but in a smaller space than what is generally considered a farm”.

“In the developing world, small-scale agricultur­e is very important, but it can often fall down the cracks in the UK.

“There’s an idea that food is only grown by people who have a lot of land, but lots of small-scale growers have so much to offer – especially when it comes to veg and small-scale livestock rearing.

“All smallholde­rs invest heavily in buildings and their land, so that’s them investing in their local communitie­s. Smallholdi­ng Scotland gives us the chance to show that growing food can happen in all sorts of set-ups.”

Like Arnot, Keesja finds taking livestock to the slaughterh­ouse extremely difficult – “as they all have personalit­ies”.

“It’s also hard when crops are spoiled by rabbits, pigeons or the weather as the effort feels wasted,” she adds.

“It can also be disappoint­ing when our small size means it’s difficult to get contractor­s to help us mow the grass, access proper training, or compete on an even playing field with businesses that have the safety net of subsidies.”

For Keesje, who works full-time at Nourish Scotland on climate change and food policy, being a smallholde­r is about having a better understand­ing of where “at least some of my food comes from”, and the questions to ask of the sources she gets other food from.

“Every smallholde­r and their family and friends are that bit closer to the reality of how food is produced and how people are part of the same ecosystem as the rest of the natural world,” she says.

Ultimately, Keesja dreams of selling a range of items from their smallholdi­ng – fibre, meat, flowers, herbs, eggs and veg.

However, she believes smallholde­rs get “no support at all” financiall­y or technicall­y as they are below the minimum to qualify under the Scottish Rural Developmen­t Programme rules.


“With the current national restrictio­ns of movement, we realise how lucky we are to have outdoor space,” says Sandra Bannister, who officially launched her three-acre smallholdi­ng, Midlife Homestead in Fossoway near Kinross, with her husband Jonathan last year.

“We have freedom to walk in the fields, time to enjoy nature, sow and plant for the season, be with our animals and enjoy the marvel of lambing.”

Sandra, 56, a trustee of Smallholdi­ng Scotland, believes there is a major distinctio­n between the terms “hobby farming” and “smallholdi­ng”.

“To me, a hobby is something you can opt in and out of, whereas there’s no opting out of having a smallholdi­ng. It’s a life choice.”

When Sandra, a retired nursing education director at Stirling University, set up the smallholdi­ng, it was unlike anything she’d ever done.

“I found being outside and growing things was therapeuti­c and gave me feelings of self-worth,” she explains.

“But the animals were completely new so we’ve been learning along the way.

“The support of Growbiz and a small rural business grant pushed me to venture into the business world supplying seasonal crates of produce, free-range eggs, home baking, bread and more within a 10-mile radius.”

Sandra and Jonathan have a small flock of Shetland sheep, hens and two donkeys, Patrick and Solomon. They also have Mangalitsa, Kune Kune and Gloucester Old Spot pigs.

There’s no such thing as a typical day, but recently Sandra’s been up at the crack of dawn to feed an orphaned lamb sleeping in her kitchen.

Another daily highlight is hanging out with her donkeys: “They know you’re coming and start braying!”

Other tasks include sowing seeds, digging in manure and baking cakes using fresh eggs.

Sandra sees many positives in running a smallholdi­ng, including a better quality of life for animals and family members.

“It’s good to be influentia­l in educating the young about living from the land, animal husbandry, and sharing responsibi­lities of the homestead in the family,” she adds.

“I’m an active grandma and keen to ensure my grandson learns early about the joy of mud, growing things, and being kind to animals.”

“There’s a real sense of achievemen­t: eating what you have grown or reared, learning new skills, being in awe as nature and nurture allow the cycles of lambing, farrowing and seasonal produce to return each year.”

The Scottish Smallholde­r Festival is Scotland’s largest smallholde­r event, celebratin­g the best of Scottish smallholdi­ng, growing and craft.

The next festival is planned for October 24 2020, at Forfar Mart. Smallholdi­ng Scotland is a charitable body establishe­d to support, promote and represent smallholde­rs in Scotland. It links members to shared services such as sheep shearers which can undertake small flocks, vermin control, sheep scanning, land services such as fencing, tree and hedge cutting, drainage, general maintenanc­e and supply of hay and straw. smallholdi­

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 ??  ?? Smallholdi­ngs are an ideal place for children to gather an early understand­ing of food and where it comes from and the importance of treating animals humanely. Picture: Shuttersto­ck.
Smallholdi­ngs are an ideal place for children to gather an early understand­ing of food and where it comes from and the importance of treating animals humanely. Picture: Shuttersto­ck.
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 ??  ?? Mary Fraser had always wanted to be as selfsuffic­ient as possible and owns a smallholdi­ng in Glenfarg.
Mary Fraser had always wanted to be as selfsuffic­ient as possible and owns a smallholdi­ng in Glenfarg.
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