The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

Gorgeous Gallowigus



We pay a billion pounds a week to the banks for interest on the national debt for example.

But if government itself issued its own money, to finance the assets of capital and social projects, including the NHS of course, all for the benefit of the nation, it could do so indefinite­ly, interest free, and in any quantity needed, merely by computer keystroke. This money would not go into circulatio­n, so would not cause inflation.

So any nation with its own currency could therefore avoid the private banks, and directly finance what it wanted interest free, and everything needed could be afforded.

Malcolm Parkin. Gamekeeper­s Road, Kinnesswoo­d.

Sir, – I agree with Kenneth Miln (New fish to bolster angling, Courier, July 17).

With declining stocks of good quality opposition fish in Scotland, voters should look into one of our native species that is making a comeback here, the Gorgeous Gallowigus.

Originally fae Dundee, it has made big splashes in Westminste­r, Washington and Middle Eastern waters.

While it provides tremendous sport, there will be replies stating the introducti­on of such a big fish in our small pond could mean the demise of Salmond and Sturgeon. But having voted in Scottish political waters for many years I’ve rarely heard of our opposition minnows knocking them off their perch.

We should at least mullet over.

The UK bream shall never die.

Allan Sutherland. 1 Willow Row, Stonehaven.

“Shame on you, BBC, and the present government. Don’t you realise the impact this will have on so many seniors’ lives.


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