The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

Blizzards and air raid sirens at New Year’s boxing bout


F openight fans dived for shelter to the sounds of air raid sirens during an air boxing match in Dundee which took place in a blizzard 80 years ago.

The British Empire bantamweig­ht title fight between local boxer Jim Brady and Richie “Kid” Tanner of British Guiana must rank as one of the strangest of all time.

A German invasion was thought to be imminent and the outbreak of the Second World War had already put the brakes on many sporting events including the football season.

Promoter George “Lucky” Grant thought the warweary city would benefit from a boost and pitted Brady against Tanner for the vacant title at Dundee United’s Tannadice Park.

But instead of organising the bout for a summer afternoon or evening, George sensed that a public holiday in winter might bring out the Dundee public, so he picked New Year’s Day.

He explained later: “Usually there was a big football match on at Tan na dice, which was always well attended.

“This time – it was 194041 – there was no match, I booked the park on the basis there would be plenty people on holiday and free to watch local boy Brady in a title fight.”

At first it seemed as if George’s uncanny antenna for judging public mood – and the elements – was working perfectly.

He recalled, “I was still selling tickets right up to 10 minutes to midnight on New Year’s Eve.”

Affectiona­tely known as Dundee’s “Mr Boxing ”, George was born in Princes Street in 1905.

He got a job with DC Thomson as a newspaper boy aged just five, selling copies of the Evening Telegraph and later The Courier.

From these humble beginnings, he left school at 14, working as a bookmaker’s assistant.

By the 1930s George had entered the world of boxing promotion, organising Wednesday evening fights at Premierlan­d stadium which was in William Lane.

He started to organise bigger contests and by 1936 was selling 2,000-plus seats for fights in the Caird Hall.

Crowds also flocked to see outdoor shows put on by George at venues such as Dens Park, Dundee Ice Rink and Station Park in Forfar.

At around this time he began to become known as “Lucky ” Grant because every time he organised an open- air show, he took a risk, and the sun seemed to shine.

This time it was not to be.

Biographer Dr Norman Watson said: “George’s optimism evaporated when he woke up next morning to find the streets covered ankle-deep in snow.

“As he walked up Tannadice Street to the stadium, and people kept wishing him a Happy New Year, he recalled never feeling in a less festive mood in his life.

“In those days, Tannadice was not the enclosed stadium it is now. It had one grandstand and open terraces on three sides – and it took a great effort to ready it for the promotion.

“But just as ‘Lucky’ Grant thought he had worked his way out of trouble, the air raid sirens began and spectators dived for shelter.

“And to compound his misery, another blizzard swept over as the boxing finally got under way!

“The promotion was as dead as a dodo, of course. The Evening Telegraph reported that ‘only 1,500’ had watched the first boxers step into the ring.

“And even when the afternoon’s main attraction drew a fanfare from the Dundee Military Band, the paper commented mournfully that the crowd had only increased to a miserly 2,000.”

To make matters worse, George had agreed that the BBC would broadcast the Brady-tanner fight on the Programmes For The Forces wavelength, to be heard across Britain. This also hit attendance on such a cold day.

Dr Watson said: “George later put the attendance at 3,000, some 9,000 short of the 12,000 he had catered for – and he admitted losing hundreds of pounds.

“To add insult to injury, George was told the BBC had cut the last two rounds of the title fight to put on the next scheduled programme – a concert by the Charles E rn es co Quintet.”

Brady previously toppled Londoner Pat Palmer to win the British Southern Area bantamweig­ht title at Dens Park in 1938 which was his first championsh­ip victory.

History repeated itself from that night in ’38 and the battling Brady claimed the Commonweal­th bantamweig­ht title after a points victory.

When a few Dundee punters complained they had missed the ending, George blew his top.

“These gentlemen lived within a few minutes’ walk from Tannadice Park, but hadn’t bothered getting tickets for the contest. So I told them in no uncertain manner just what I thought about their complaint!”

George eventually took it on the chin and saw the funny side of it all.

Dr Watson said the otherwise dreary show had, nonetheles­s, put the city on the internatio­nal fight map.

In fact, Brady’s points win over Tanner put him in line for a tilt at the world title held by the American Lou Salic.

George immediatel­y cabled Salic with an offer to stage the head-to-head in Scotland.

Alas, it never happened but George did go on to became the only Dundonian to have promoted a world-title fight.

He paid the modern-day equivalent of £150,000 to secure the bout between Scot Jackie Paterson and Liverpudli­an Joe Curran at Hampden Park in July 1946.

The contest was watched by more than 45,000 people and Pat er son won on points.

“I was still selling tickets right up to 10 minutes to midnight the night before the match

 ??  ?? TITLE FIGHT: Dundee born and bred champion boxer Jim Brady faced Richie ‘Kid’ Tanner.
TITLE FIGHT: Dundee born and bred champion boxer Jim Brady faced Richie ‘Kid’ Tanner.

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