The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

Stark warning from NHS Tayside as new virus strain spreads


NHS Tayside have issued a stark warning about the rising number of C ovid -19 cases in the region, stating the new strain of the virus is now the most prevalent in Scotland.

Health officials claim the number of patients being admitted to hospital with severe symptoms is increasing with more critically ill patients being cared for in Tayside’s Covid High Dependency Unit and Covid Intensive Care Unit at Ninewells Hospital.

Dr Emma Fletcher, director of public health, has urged people to stop mixing with other households to stop the spread of the new strain of the virus.

She said: “We need to all think very carefully about what we are doing to help stop the spread of coronaviru­s and protect our loved ones and the NHS.

“The decisions you make in the coming days and weeks have a direct impact on what happens next with C ovid -19 in our communitie­s and also in our hospitals and other care facilities.

“Everything we do as individual­s to stop this virus spreading helps reduce the number of people who will become ill and end up in hospital.

“Sadly some people will die over the next few weeks of Covid-19.”

Dr David Con ne ll, respirator y consultant working in the Covid-19 areas at Ninewells Hospital, backed his colleague’s plea as the number of patients admitted to Ninewells due to Covid-19 continues to rise.

He said: “I have been working in our dedicated Covid wards and critical care facilities since the beginning of the pandemic and we are currently seeing a rise in the number of patients with more severe symptoms of Covid-19.

“Our health and social care teams really are working tirelessly to look after all who need care in hospital and in our communitie­s, but we need everyone to do their bit, play their part, take it seriously and do not mix households.”

NHS Tayside remained hopeful however, saying that they would begin rolling out the vaccinatio­n to over 80s from across Tayside from next week.

Dr Fletcher said: “This is an extremely welcome next step in our fight against Covid-19 – but we must all remain vigilant.

“I would like to thank the people of Tayside for sticking with it by following the guidance. It’s been a long year, in fact an extraordin­ary year for everyone, and we have faced many challenges but I would like to hope that 2021 will be a brighter one.”

 ??  ?? Dr Emma Fletcher has urged people to stop mixing with other households.
Dr Emma Fletcher has urged people to stop mixing with other households.

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