The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

Assange wins his bid to avoid extraditio­n to US


Wik ileak s founder Julian Assange has won his fight to avoid extraditio­n to the United States.

District Judge Vanessa Baraitser said at the Old Bailey, due to the real risk of suicide, the 49-year-old should not be extradited by “reason of mental health”.

Assange is not expected to be freed from highsecuri­ty Belmarsh Prison immediatel­y as the US government is likely to appeal, but he can make a fresh applicatio­n for bail.

Assange is wanted to face an 18-count indictment, alleging a plot to hack computers and a conspiracy to obtain and disclose national defence informatio­n.

The case followed Wikileaks’ publicatio­n of hundreds of thousands of leaked documents in 2010 and 2011 relating to the Afghanista­n and Iraq wars, as well as diplomatic cables.

Prosecutor­s say Assange helped US defence analyst Chelsea Manning breach the Espionage Act in unlawfully obtaining material, was complicit in hacking by others, and published classified informatio­n that put US informants in danger.

Assange denies plotting with Manning to crack an encrypted password on US Department of Defence computers and says there is no evidence that anyone’s safety was put at risk.

His legal team argued the prosecutio­n is political and said Assange, who has been diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome and severe depression, is a high suicide risk if extradited.

In her judgment, Judge Baraitser referred to evidence of A s s a n g e’s mental state.

She said that “facing conditions of near total isolation” in US custody, she was satisfied that authoritie­s there would not be able to prevent Assange from “finding a way to commit suicide”.

Assange’s lawyers had said he faced up to 175 years in jail if convicted, although the US government said the sentence was more likely to be between four and six years.

Assange wiped his brow after the decision was announced while his fiancee, Stella Moris, with whom he has two young sons, wept.

The prosecutio­n have given notice of appealing over the decision and have 14 days to lodge their grounds.

In her ruling, the judge rejected the defence arguments of freedom of speech and that the prosecutio­n was politicall­y motivated.

She said: “If the allegation­s are proved then the agreement with Ms Manning and other groups of computer hackers took him outside any role of investigat­ive journalism.

“He was acting to further the overall objective of Wikileaks to obtain protected informatio­n by hacking, if necessary.”

The judge said Assange’s dealings with Ms Manning “went beyond the mere encouragem­ent of a journalist”.

She said Assange was “well aware” of the danger to informants by disclosing unredacted names in leaked documents.

If Assange’s conduct was proved it would amount to offences in this jurisdicti­on and he would not be protected by freedom of speech, she said.

The judge added: “Free speech rights don’t provide unfettered discretion for some, like Mr Assange, to decide the fate of others.”

 ??  ?? CELEBRATIO­N: Supporters of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange reacting to the decision preventing his extraditio­n outside the Old Bailey.
CELEBRATIO­N: Supporters of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange reacting to the decision preventing his extraditio­n outside the Old Bailey.
 ??  ?? Julian Assange.
Julian Assange.

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