The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

Voters to give verdict on Covid response


Sir, – Jayne James Duff ’s letter (Independen­ce is wrong priority in this time of crisis, Courier, January 20) advises vaccinatio­ns are being rolled out here in Scotland at half the rate of those in the south. She also tells us that the Army could have been deployed in Scotland weeks ago.

I would contend this is misleading as she isn’t comparing like with like.

Within the four-nation approach to this pandemic, and in particular to the administra­tion of the

vaccine(s), there are some difference­s in the methodolog­y each of the countries uses.

The WHO is in agreement with the dispersal of the doses to be concentrat­ed on the vulnerable and those who care for them – in this case the residents in care homes and the people who look after them.

The logistics of this is naturally a bit slower than the example given, via a GP practice.

The rate of residents having had their first does however is an impressive 90%.

The Army has been deployed already here in Scotland with regards the PPE programme.

They are a very valuable asset in the mammoth task of converting “other use” public buildings because of their

experience and expertise in the creation of field hospitals. It is excellent to see them using these skills to help us in this area.

We can contrast and compare all we like regards the ways in which each nation will roll out programmes etcetera, but the bottom line is each country will do what is best suited to its own needs, population size and make-up.

In conclusion I would say that the May election results will tell us whether or not the people of Scotland wish to see independen­ce for their country.

If the Scottish Government is doing as bad a job as the writer tells us, then surely the voters will show us then what they think.

Linda Clark.

Forfar, Angus.

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