The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)


A fascinatin­g new book on Robert Burns encourages us to celebrate the Scottish Bard every day of the year, discovers Caroline Lindsay


It’s Burns Night on Monday, a celebratio­n of the life and poetry of Robert Burns but, according to leading authority Pauline Mackay, we should be enjoying the bard’s work all year round. Her new book, Burns for Every Day of the Year, offers a glimpse into the bard’s life and works: his poetry, song and prose, including the classics we all know and love, private letters and lesser-known extracts which offer an intriguing insight into Robert Burns’s views on politics, love, religion and society.

“I enjoyed Robert Burns’s poetry from a young age,” reveals Pauline, a lecturer in Robert Burns Studies at Glasgow University.

“On first encounteri­ng the bard, I just loved the way he used language. When I was studying Scottish literature at Glasgow, I realised that I wanted to carry out further research on Burns,” she continues.

Eager to make an original contributi­on to scholarshi­p on the Scottish National Bard, she began looking into Burns’s writings that had been suppressed, or censored, in the 18th, 19th and even into the 20th centuries.

“This led me to write my PHD thesis on Burns’s bawdy, sexually-explicit writing, much of which was first printed in The Merry Muses of Caledonia, 1799,” she says.

“This research, combined with work on major projects such as Robert Burns Beyond Text and Editing Robert Burns for the 21st Century only fuelled my fascinatio­n and increased my sense that there is so much more to learn about Burns, his life, work and legacy.

“For me, Burns is a topic that will never get tired – there’s always more to discover and new approaches to take.

“Now, as lecturer in Robert Burns Studies, it’s my job to explore these avenues and to embrace ever new ways to view, and to teach, Burns.”

Pauline was keen to produce a book that reflected the diversity of Burns’s writing and the complexity of his character in an accessible way.

“Mapping Burns’s writing onto days of the year seemed a neat way of bringing together his most famous works with lesser-known gems, and representi­ng the breadth of his writing through poems, songs, and extracts from his letters and other prose,” she explains.

“I was keen that the book should be a pleasurabl­e and entertaini­ng read, enabling people to enjoy Burns via daily glimpses and through his own words, with a little help and context from myself along the way.

“It’s great to have Burns Night to look forward to in January, after the festivitie­s of

Christmas have subsided, and in the midst of what can feel like the longest of seasons – winter,” she says.

“And it’s appropriat­e that we enjoy Burns’s most famous and universall­y well-received works as part of the celebratio­n of the Scottish National Bard and perhaps the world’s most commemorat­ed poet. But there is also much to be gained by looking beyond this and embracing the vastness and diversity of Burns’s literature.

“It’s then that we understand why Burns has become so universall­y celebrated, and why Burns Night, on January 25, has become such a global phenomenon.”

Describing Burns as “a complex, at times contradict­ory individual, and a literary chameleon”, Pauline continues: “These aspects of his character are reflected in the diversity of his works and have fuelled our ongoing fascinatio­n with the bard. Ultimately, there is something in Burns’s writing for everyone.”

Now was the right time for Pauline to work on this project, as she has spent well over a decade building her own knowledge of the poet and his work.

“This was essential in helping me to put together what felt like a complex jigsaw puzzle, comprising pieces from many hundreds of poems, songs and letters,” she reflects.

“I started with a blank calendar, onto which I mapped key events in Burns’s life, dates of importance related to his contempora­ries, important moments in Scottish literature and culture that he addresses in his writing, and modern observance­s.

“Once I’d assigned all of Burns’s most famous works and some of the more obvious topics to appropriat­e dates, I built in some ‘thematic pockets’ to offer readers more detail and context around recurring preoccupat­ions in Burns’s writing, and his legacy – love, religion, politics, nature, the seasons and, of course, the Burns Supper.

“I then re-read Burns’s correspond­ence, making notes that led to pleasingly random

entries about what Burns was doing, thinking or creating on a correspond­ing day in the 18th Century.

“It was really enjoyable for me to curate Burns in this way, and like nothing I had done before.”

Ask Pauline for some of her favourite elements of the book and she replies: “That’s a difficult question for me because this collection is essentiall­y composed of my favourite elements of Burns.

“To highlight a few: I enjoyed teasing out some of the complexiti­es surroundin­g Burns’s views on Jacobitism around the anniversar­y of the Battle of Culloden in April.

“When I’d finished compiling all of the entries for July, particular­ly those referring to Burns’s final illness and death, I was struck once again by the tragedy of it all. I actually felt quite emotional when I realised the effect of having Burns’s poetry and letters dealing with the prospect of death presented in close proximity and in a sort of reflection of ‘real time’.

“Finally, I really enjoyed compiling entries for October where Burns’s imaginatio­n takes full flight in representa­tions of superstiti­on and the supernatur­al.”

The book is aimed at anyone with an interest in Robert Burns, literature, or Scottish history and culture.

“Whatever perspectiv­e we might take, there’s truly something in Burns for Every Day of the Year for everyone. I hope readers will enjoy that there’s no pressure to learn about Burns in an over-determined way, but that by reading the daily entries, or even dipping in and out, they will indeed discover something fascinatin­g while they simply take pleasure in Burns’s words.”

For anyone missing their annual performanc­e of Tam o’ Shanter, a popular component of many Burns Suppers, Pauline will deliver virtual reality Burns lessons on January 30, via Zoom, from a VR Alloway Auld Kirk, on Tam o’ Shanter and material culture.

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 ??  ?? A statue of the bard in Central Park, New York, and author Pauline Mackay, who is a leading authority on Robert Burns.
A statue of the bard in Central Park, New York, and author Pauline Mackay, who is a leading authority on Robert Burns.
 ??  ?? Pauline’s new book, published by Black & White and priced at £20.
Pauline’s new book, published by Black & White and priced at £20.

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