The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

Arrest after banner protest at Parliament


A member of the Extinction Rebellion climate change protest group has been arrested after climbing on the roof of the Scottish Parliament.

The lone demonstrat­or unfurled a banner reading “Climate Assembly, be bold” yesterday morning.

The group is calling for a more radical approach from Scotland’s Climate Assembly, a body created as part of the 2019 Climate Change Act.

Extinction Rebellion said it was part of the assembly’s stewarding group but pulled out because it “felt that those with an interest in maintainin­g the status quo were frightened of rocking the boat”.

The protester descended from the roof later and was arrested by police officers waiting at the Parliament’s entrance.

A former member of the stewarding group, Justin Kenrick, said: “There was never any evaluation of the seriousnes­s of the climate emergency.

“There was a lot of focus on being fair to different sectors in Scotland but not fairness to those elsewhere in the world suffering now or to future generation­s.

“To be fair in that fundamenta­l way you have to first assess how serious the emergency is and the assembly never collective­ly had the opportunit­y to do that.”

A Police Scotland spokespers­on said: “Officers were called to the Scottish Parliament building Edinburgh, around 7.35am on Thursday March 4 2021 following reports a person was on the roof.

“A 61-year-old man has been arrested and inquiries continue.”

Sir, – The Salmond affair at Holyrood is sad and no one should glory in the outcome, although I suspect some might.

I note with some sorrow that the Scottish Conservati­ves have argued that Sturgeon should resign if proved she was in

contempt of parliament. This would be the proper thing to happen if so proved.

Two wrongs don’t make a right. But it is rather rich for Tories to preach to us about propriety in public life.

It is the Tory Government that is leading the decline in standards in public life.

They should clean up their own act before preaching to others.

Brian Batson.

Lour Road, Forfar.

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for their pioneering migraine research.

“I’ve said before that I’m optimistic for a great British summer and I’m now more optimistic about having a great British summer than I have been at any time, thanks to the speed and the effectiven­ess of the vaccine rollout” - Health Secretary Matt Hancock, speaking in Glasgow.

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