The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

25% back Indyref2 in next year


Aquarter of Scots would support holding a second independen­ce referendum in the next year, while 45% say it should not take place for the next few years, an opinion poll has found.

The Panelbase poll for the Sunday Times found 25% supported holding a referendum in the next 12 months.

Some 30% said they would support a referendum in the next two to five years while 45% agreed with the statement “there should not be another Scottish independen­ce referendum in the next few years”. A total of 1,013 Scottish adults were polled online between March 3 and 5.

The poll also found support for a Yes vote stood at 46%, with No on 47%.

When “don’t knows” are excluded, this put the weighted support for both Yes and No at 50% each.

The SNP’S Westminste­r leader, Ian Blackford, has suggested an independen­ce vote could take place “as early as late 2021”, though other figures in the SNP have refused to be drawn on this comment.

Earlier this week, two other opinion polls suggested support for a No vote had pulled ahead of Yes.

Support for independen­ce was ahead in many throughout the


The Panelbase/sunday Times poll also indicated a comfortabl­e lead for the SNP in the upcoming Scottish Parliament election.

The SNP stood at 47% for the constituen­cy vote, with the Conservati­ves on 23%, Labour on 20%, the Liberal Democrats on 7% and the Greens on 2%.

For the regional list vote, the SNP were on 38%, the Conservati­ves on 20%, Labour on 17% and both the Lib Dems and Greens on 6%.

SNP depute leader Keith Brown said the poll showed there was support for a post-pandemic referendum. He said: “If Scottish voters back the SNP’S plan to hold a post-pandemic referendum, then the Tories have no right to block it. The Tories are in panic mode and running scared of democracy, but today’s poll shows that Boris Johnson’s Trump-like attempts to block a referendum are completely unsustaina­ble.

“In seven weeks, voters have the chance to decide who should be in charge of Scotland’s Covid recovery – a Scottish Government democratic­ally elected by the people of Scotland, or a Tory government at Westminste­r that we didn’t vote for led by the likes of Boris Johnson.” opinion polls latter part of

 ??  ?? POLL: A quarter supported holding a referendum in the next year.
POLL: A quarter supported holding a referendum in the next year.

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