The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

Kezia Dugdale: ‘Trust plays a big part in politics’

- Kezia Dugdale

Does it matter who paid for Boris Johnson’s curtains when more than a quarter of a million people are contractin­g Covid-19 in India every day?

Of course it does and any attempt to use the suffering of people here or abroad to sweep away serious and legitimate questions about who funds the powerful is risible. It matters because it’s about money. Who is spending it, who is donating it and with what motive.

Political parties rely on donations to function. Yet the picture our minds create of a party donor is more likely to be a man in black tie with a glass of champagne than a working mum paying up her monthly subs by direct debit.

As a consequenc­e we assume that donations are transactio­ns, with a give and take. The donor must be getting something in return. That’s why we have clear rules around transparen­cy and reporting. We should be able to follow the money and see what it’s buying.

If we can’t get to the truth we assume the worst.

That’s in part down to the fact that almost every political party has had its scandals over donations and declaratio­ns, but it’s also because we’re predispose­d to thinking the worst of our politician­s.

Trust in politician­s and the political system has been low since records began back in the 1930s.

In truth, there’s something comforting about a healthy scepticism of power. Not least when you consider the alternativ­e, authoritar­ian regimes where the public dare not utter a word of criticism of their countries leadership for fear of the consequenc­es.

Yet there’s a difference between healthy scepticism and downright distrust. Trust may have been consistent­ly low for decades but it took a deep downwards turn around 2008 during the last economic crash and the last MPS expenses scandal.

It slipped a little further again after Brexit. Can it afford to slide again?

You might accuse me of being a bit precious, worrying only about the standing of politician­s because I used to be one. “Life goes on regardless of who is in power... they’re all the same anyway” or so the tropes go.

But it does matter who has power and no, they’re really not all the same. Even if they were, the degree to which we trust our leaders can be a fundamenta­l issue of life and death.

During the pandemic both here and around the world, we’ve witnessed why trust matters. When Boris Johnson and Nicola Sturgeon told us to stay at home, we did. When India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi told his people it was safe to worship in large crowds again, they did.

And when trust crumbles, the evidence tells us people are far less likely to obey the laws or rules that emanate from people with power. They are also less likely to believe that others will follow the rules.

People turn on those with power and then turn on themselves. A collapse in trust leads to war and civil unrest.

Now, I’m not suggesting that a scandal over who paid for a new chintz couch will lead to riots in the streets, but I am saying that constant slow drip of distrust drains our democracy of its vitality.

It leads people away from the ballot box. Not least the young and those on low incomes who are so exposed to the economic consequenc­es of the pandemic. When they stop voting, it concentrat­es power in the hands of those who do, who then in turn create a self-perpetuati­ng cycle of serving their own interests.

John Smith Centre research shows that a middle-aged man earning over £60k a year is three times more likely to trust the government than someone working a minimum wage job in their 20s. Perhaps because they can see themselves reflected in the powerful and the young person cannot? So what can we do about it?

Well it starts with clear, transparen­t rules which are easily understood and readily followed. We need independen­t arbiters of the rules and heavy penalties for breaking them. Equally though, we must break down this monopoly of concentrat­ed power and diversify the types of people who go into public life. Who see politics as something for everyone, not just the privileged elite.

We have to turn people towards the ballot box, present them with meaningful choices and renew the belief that they have power if only they chose to use it.

In the 2014 referendum, nearly 85% of Scots voted yet just 55% of people voted in the last Scottish Parliament election.

Next Thursday, we’ll know just how many Scots turned out and therefore just how much more work there is to do to rebuild our trust in our political system.

We need independen­t arbiters of the rules

 ??  ?? CIVIL UNREST: When trust crumbles people turn on those with power and then on themselves... that is why transparen­cy is vital.
CIVIL UNREST: When trust crumbles people turn on those with power and then on themselves... that is why transparen­cy is vital.
 ??  ??

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