The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

Voting Tory not good for Union – Sarwar


Anas Sarwar has said Scottish Conservati­ves are trying to “con” voters at the Holyrood elections.

The Scottish Labour leader told Times Radio a vote for the Tories would be a “get out of jail free card” for Nicola Sturgeon, but admitted his party had an uphill struggle.

It comes as he revealed Labour’s top 50 pledges to deliver a national recovery.

Speaking on the G&T show, he rejected the idea that only a vote for the Scottish Conservati­ves could stop a second independen­ce referendum.

He said: “They’re trying to con the Scottish people. So what they’re saying is to stop the SNP and to save the Union, you need to vote for the Conservati­ve Party.

“But in actual fact, the biggest threat to the UK is in many ways the Conservati­ves and they are the best ‘get of jail free’ card for Nicola Sturgeon.

“Don’t be conned by the Tory message about a second vote.

“If you want to focus on what unites us, not what divides us, if you want to focus on a national recovery, you need to use your second vote for Labour.”

Mr Sarwar added: “The glory days do seem very, very far away and we have had 20 years of decline in the Labour vote.

“I’m not projecting I’m some kind of superhero that’s going to turn our 14% vote share in eight weeks, when I took over leadership, into us being in government.

“Of course that’s for the people of Scotland to decide over the course of the next five days.

“I want to take us on a journey for relevance, to credible opposition, to a credible alternativ­e.

“That’s what I’m doing over the course of this campaign.”

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