The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

Make Angus Great Again

Ladies, gentlemen, boys, girls and fellow Brits:

- Very Respectful­ly, Daniel S. Peña, Sr. The Trillion Dollar Man!

Iam extremely proud to announce the opening of my explorator­y committee to ascertain the viability of me running for elected office in the UK! I have lived in the UK since 1984. My daughter was born in Scotland and my sons began their education here. My wife Sally was born in England. I have lived in the same home, Guthrie Castle, for more than 37 years. And, I was finally sworn in, as a UK citizen,

whilst maintainin­g my US citizenshi­p. Of the small group of 6 sworn in, I had waited the longest for this privilege: 26 years! The others were 6 to 18 years! 3 men and 3 women. It has been a very long road for me – yet I was the only person shedding tears of joy! The event actually came early – I had thought I would be in my 80’s – LOL!

I have said many times over the last several years that I have achieved my QLA goal of enabling my mentees/devotees to become independen­tly wealthy: my trillion-dollar goal. But, I still have additional aspiration­s and believe I can make a positive contributi­on on the political scene: in Angus and more widely. For now, I plan on continuing my QLA coaching thru 2022. Then, at 77, I will reassess my political and coaching future!

My QLA model has created over a trillion dollars – my goal since my first seminar in 1993. I have assisted countless people – many from deprived background­s with little or no assets - in changing their lives and creating sustainabl­e jobs. I believe, with all my being, that I can do the same for this country – the country that has been so very generous to me and my family!

In my opinion, the world, and the UK in particular, needs help on many fronts! Of course, many countries are in worse shape – but I don’t live there – I live here in Scotland!

If you’re happy with the political and financial situation in the UK; if you think that life is getting better and that our nation is in good hands; then stop reading here!

But, if you think, as I do, that things could be better, and that our leaders have gone adrift, read on: Covid 19, gas lines, energy costs, immigratio­n, Afghanista­n, women/girls and police protection, how we treat our veterans, the treatment of the elderly, one rule for the politician­s and another for the rest – I could go on! I didn’t go to Oxbridge; I had a challengin­g upbringing but that did not stop me becoming successful and helping many others achieve their own personal goals. Education is important but seizing the opportunit­y is just as vital – snooze and you lose!

After an extremely successful financial business career, mostly in “the city” (financial district of London), I decided to help younger people achieve their success! I used the same focus, determinat­ion, and perseveran­ce, to create over a trillion dollars in equity/ value since 1993. I am particular­ly pleased that many of those I assisted started with little or nothing: just the desire to change their own situation. The pundits tell me that QLA (i.e. me) has created more than a million millionair­es and countless jobs. I personally turned $820 to $450 million, in a declining market, in less than 8 years, on the LSE (London Stock Exchange)!

My plan, if the public gives me the opportunit­y, is to use the same leadership skills I learned as a young army officer in the late 60’s at NATO, with the tough love my policemen Dad (also a Wwii/korean war vet) used raising me, added to what I have learned as a renowned financial success coach, to change politics. I want to help transform the UK, starting in Angus – my home, and take us to a better place. I want to

create something that we can all be more proud of in the decades going forward! I have proudly modeled my personal and business life after 2 Brits – Winston Churchill (another Uk/american national) and Andrew Carnegie: arguably one of the mostsucces­sful businessme­n of all time!

We all know that politician­s care more about being liked than being effective! Hell, that is exactly how they get elected! Most politician­s are pleasers: to their largest block of constituen­ts! Again, that’s how they get elected! And, all politician­s are looking for

money to support their causes/ideas! Hence, their views can swing in the wind, based on where it is coming from and how strong it is! Well, my first political promise – I don’t want your hard-earned money. I want to see if my message resonates with the public! In the current climate you deserve the money much more than my potential campaign does: to heat your homes and feed your families! Or perhaps to take a welldeserv­ed holiday – something we all deserve after a particular­ly tough couple of years.

Yeah, I realize that I will only be politicall­y active for a relatively short period. But someone has to get things changed – we cannot continue on the same path – we deserve better. We need to be more honest - political correctnes­s is crushing the life out of this country – like many others! We need a frank review of what matters – to the voters rather than the political elite.

When I came to the UK in 1981 the city pundits said “it won’t take us long to get rid of this loudmouth kid”. But I saw it very differentl­y! At Freshfield­s, my solicitors used to say – we represent the Queen of England, the Church of England, the Bank of England, and Dan Peña! The rest is history!

Like my political idol, Churchill, I epitomize his famous phrase: “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat.” If, given the opportunit­y, I promise, except for the part about my blood, to do the same. When Churchill said those infamous words on May 13, 1940 Britain was losing the war on almost all fronts! Once again, our tiny island is being badly squeezed on many fronts and the current leadership either doesn’t understand or doesn’t care! I understand and I care!

Living in a 15th-century castle, I could easily sit back and enjoy life. But with your support, I have decided to aim for a greater meaning and purpose!

Britain has been extraordin­arily generous to me and my family – hence, it is time for this Mexican/ American, now a Brit/mexican/american kid, to give back! Yeah, you heard it correctly – “give back!” When did you ever hear that from a politician! Hence, after 55 years as a high-performanc­e individual – father, son, grandfathe­r, husband, brother, soldier, mentor, creator of a trillion dollars, coach, friend, teacher – my last endeavor will be my greatest task of all – to make government responsive to us and have a government we can all be proud of.

I, unlike virtually all politician­s, will not promise you an easy road! There is never an easy time to make hard decisions! And we have many hard decisions ahead of us!

In due course I will open an office, produce a manifesto, announce my committee of advisors, post a website, have intensity driven focus groups, town hall meetings, plus many of the normal things that you expect from a local politician. It will though be done with a breath of fresh air and a lack of political correctnes­s. It is time for honesty and reality. As Walt Disney said – when values are clear, decisions are easy! Either you want to get on the bus of change – or you don’t! The message to me is very clear – change! All I ask: listen to the message and don’t shoot the messenger!

And for those of you who may not be aware, but soon will be, my mantra – “praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!” To your quantum leap in life and business!

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