The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

New hunting with dogs Bill is introduced


ABill that will close loopholes in legislatio­n on the use of dogs for hunting has been introduced.

The Hunting with Dogs (Scotland) Bill will limit the number of dogs allowed to be used to flush animals for them to be shot to two, whereas an unlimited number can currently be used.

The Scottish Government pledged to introduce the Bill in its Programme for Government.

Under the legislatio­n, the two dogs will only be able to be used to control predators if they threaten livestock, timber or crops, to protect human health or to prevent the spread of disease, with a licence required for the use of bigger groups.

But the Scottish Greens have said the legislatio­n merely “tinkers around the edges” by allowing a licence to be obtained for larger packs of dogs.

Field sports are an excluded matter in the powershari­ng agreement between the government and the Greens, but this is the second instance in recent weeks that has seen the partners disagree, following firm Green opposition to green freeports earlier this month.

Environmen­t minister Mairi Mcallan said there is “no place” for hunting with dogs in Scotland.

“I am seeking to close loopholes which have allowed that already illegal activity to persist, and my

aim is to do that in a way that ensures the greatest possible animal welfare while facilitati­ng legitimate predator control,” she added.

The Bill will also ban trail hunting – the act of using a dog to follow the scent of another animal – which can be used as cover for illegal hunts.

“As well as closing existing loopholes, I am seeking to prevent others opening,” Ms Mcallan said.

“We have seen from recent events south of the border that trail hunting is sometimes being used as a cover for illegal hunting.

“We therefore plan to take pre-emptive action to prevent trail hunting becoming establishe­d in Scotland in order to reduce the risk of wild mammals being killed by dogs.”

The minister added: “However, I should like to be clear that foxes can cause significan­t harm to livestock, as well as other wildlife such as ground nesting birds – so it is important that farmers and land managers have access to control measures that are efficient and humane.

“This legislatio­n provides that.”

 ?? ?? ANIMALS: The Bill seeks to close fox hunting loopholes and stop others from opening.
ANIMALS: The Bill seeks to close fox hunting loopholes and stop others from opening.

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