The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

Time for some spring cleaning

The daffodils are coming out and the days are getting longer, which means it’s time to start the biggest clean-up of the year: spring cleaning.


Traditiona­lly it’s meant tidying up and getting rid of unwanted items accumulate­d during the winter months, but these days it could just as easily be extended to including giving our homes a fresh coat of paint, laying new carpets or investing in some other kind of new look.

Winter may also have highlighte­d problem areas in your home, such as draughty windows and doors or rooms that need the heating upgraded and improved. Or the weather might have loosened some roof slates or caused damage to other areas of your home. Get them fixed now before a small problem becomes a very big one!

Spring cleaning definitely also applies to our gardens, which are often neglected and left during the winter months when it’s too cold for much to grow (or to hold a trowel!).

As plants come back to life and bulbs planted before winter start to bloom, it’s a good time to get out and rake up the fallen leaves (if you’ve not kept on top of it over the winter months), get rid of any plants that didn’t survive the cold and start thinking about how you want your garden to look in 2022.

Maybe you want to better utilise your garden as extra living space with a small building, such as an office or a gym. Or you want to create an outdoor entertaini­ng space, with weatherpro­of dining table and barbecue.

Now is the time to start planning and putting the feelers out before the best tradespeop­le for the job get booked up.

And for some, maybe rather than spring cleaning your current home it’s become apparent that the time has come to move on to somewhere new. The housing market has lots of options for those looking to make a change – it’s just up to you to decide what kind of home you want to live in going forward.

However you want to tackle your “spring cleaning” this year, remember the ultimate goal is to get your living space back to exactly how you like it.

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