The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)


Ahead of V&A Dundee hosting a free exhibition that celebrates Dundee’s iconic greetings card and postcard company Valentines, Michael Alexander hears the memories of three former employees


It is a city famous for the 3Js of jute, jam and journalism. But a new exhibition telling the story of picture postcard and greetings card company Valentines of Dundee will “finally” celebrate a fourth recognised pillar of Dundee’s industrial heritage. Andrew Valentine, the greatgreat-grandson of Dundee photograph­er and picture postcard company founder James Valentine, says he and his late brother Malcolm always “resented” the city’s jute, jam and journalism phraseolog­y.

“Greetings cards didn’t have a ‘J’ in front of it!” he says. He now believes, however, that the free exhibition Sincerely, Valentines – From Postcards to Greetings Cards, which opens at V&A Dundee on July 2, will “put a bit of that right”.

“For many years, my brother Malcolm and I felt that the contributi­on Valentines made to photograph­y and design and the employment record of the loyal staff who made the company’s success possible, has never been properly acknowledg­ed,” he says.

“Sadly, Malcolm died in 2016, and it was not until a couple of years after that I approached the V&A team in Dundee to explore the

possibilit­ies of an exhibition, backed by the James Valentine photograph­ic collection, preserved by University of St Andrews Libraries & Museums.

“Right from that very first meeting, I have been immensely encouraged by everyone’s enthusiasm and have appreciate­d being involved throughout the process.

“I just wish that all my family who contribute­d so much to the success and reputation of the Valentine company in Dundee could be around to see the wonderful way in which their work, and the effort of all who worked in the company, is now being recorded in this very comprehens­ive way.”

The Courier caught up with Mr Valentine, 82, as he visited the James Valentine Photograph­ic Collection, a unique archive of over 120,000 images held at University of St Andrews Libraries and Museums.

A sixth-generation member of the Valentine dynasty which was founded in 1825, he has been enthralled by the “treasure trove” of material which he admits he knows “far too little about”.

Born in Broughty Ferry with early education there, he went to Clifton Hall Prep School in Edinburgh and Sedbergh School in Cumbria.

He “never wanted to do anything else” other than work in the family business.

Inspired by his childhood trips to the Dundee factory, he joined Valentines in 1959 aged 19, having just missed National Service, and two years before he married Averil.

Encouraged by his father to gain experience

across the business, he spent a lot of time in the photograph­ic and illustrati­on department­s, finishing up in sales and marketing where he became the sales manager and then sales director.

Some of his earliest memories are of “being fascinated by the skill and speed of watching people in the factory assembling things together”.

He remembers a ‘Real Photo Machine’. Photograph­ic paper would go in one end and, 30 yards later, having passed over a “huge great aircraft tyre”, pictures would be developed and printed, and a sheet of postcards came out the other.

However, while it was the Valentine family who wanted the company to grow, it was the employees who made this happen.

That’s why he’s delighted the exhibition has sought the memories of former employees, with two public call-outs through The Courier helping track down more than 40 people.

“I like to think the company name Valentines was a very good one,” he says.

“But I think the employees made it in the end. I think it was a happy company. There was a great atmosphere, and strong family connection­s. Workers within the company would have granny, mum and son or daughter being part of it. Multi-generation­al working was very much encouraged.”

Mr Valentine left the company “amicably” in 1970 a few years after its takeover by John Waddington Ltd.

Waddington­s was “very good and managed the company very well”, he says.

However, Mr Valentine also wanted the

freedom to do his own thing, away from the big corporate set-up.

He started his own greeting card company Andrew Valentine Ltd (AVL) that same year alongside five other ex-valentines employees.

They eventually grew and moved from Lochee to Wester Gourdie industrial estate with 250 people.

He wound down as chairman of AVL in 1979, transferri­ng to the art reproducti­on industry, and became chairman of the Nelson Rockefelle­r Collection Inc in 1984.

AVL continued in Dundee, eventually being taken over by Rustcraft Cards, which itself was taken over shortly afterwards by American Greetings, the second largest card company in the world.

With Waddington­s selling Valentines to Hallmark Cards in 1980, he recalls that AVL “grew faster than any company at that time, including Hallmark”.

However, Mr Valentine believes that AVL grew too fast and became a victim of its own success.

“We could not finance the growth from our own resources,” he says, “so had to attract outside investors to continue to compete with the big American companies and changing markets.

“The workforce increased from approximat­ely 90 to 250 in a very short space of time, and inevitably the company changed, back into the big corporate set-up again.”

Former Valentines sales director George Cuthill says the commercial reasons that led to the demise of Valentines, and its closure by Hallmark in 1994, was a “tragedy” for Dundee and the day the city “lost a part of its soul”.

Jute, jam and journalism were always quoted as Dundee’s “raison d’etre”, with brands like Keiller and DC Thomson internatio­nally recognised, he says.

However, Valentines in its day, along with Timex, was a major employer, the now 83-year-old of Cairneyhil­l, West Fife, remembers.

Valentines in particular employed a mix of high-skilled and unskilled workers, and a proportion­ately high number of women.

It also brought some prestige to the city, having two royal warrants and as a result, the Queen Mother was a frequent visitor when in Scotland.

Originally from Falkirk, George’s 19-year associatio­n with Valentines began in 1968 when he was working for Hallmark Cards as the territory salesman for the north-east of England, Northumber­land and County Durham and living in North Shields.

Valentines salesman John Newton had been promoted and they asked him if he knew any likely replacemen­t.

John said the only one that had “given him trouble” was the Hallmark salesman.

George was approached to jump ship. When he accepted the job, the area covered was the same as his previous post, as were the majority of customers, but in addition to cards and gift-wrap, he was selling postcards.

In 1969, he was promoted to field sales manager for south of the Thames and in 1973 he was appointed sales manager for the southern half of Britain.

Then in December 1976, he was offered an opportunit­y to increase his experience by establishi­ng the new role of sales developmen­t manager, responsibl­e for publishing and the studio of 14 commercial artists in Dundee. George and his family moved to Blairgowri­e.

By this time, Valentines was owned by

Waddington­s, a British manufactur­er of card and board games.

When a vacancy arose for a sales director, he left Valentines in August 1978 and moved to Clifford in West Yorkshire during which time he organised three companies – Waddington­s, Art Master of Chelsea and Subbuteo – into one, House of Games.

In the summer of 1981, he was approached by Valentines to return as sales director, by which time Valentines had been sold to Hallmark Cards – by now the single biggest card publisher in the world.

George re-joined Valentines on August 31 1981, with the sole task of halting the rate of decline of sales. This they did by re-organising the sales force.

After six years as sales director, he finally left Valentines in October 1987 to spend the next 19 years as a self-employed sales developmen­t adviser.

Today George puts his life experience to good use with Fife Voluntary Action and as a Time Banking developmen­t officer.

Thinking back, however, he has never forgotten how important Valentines was to the city of Dundee – or to him personally.

“Valentines gave me the opportunit­y to enter into management, to extend my skills and experience to give me the right training to be able to work with internatio­nal companies and to give me the confidence to hold my own,” he says.

“I often say I never worked a day in my life and I do not want to be liked, loved or respected, but only to be appreciate­d, and Valentines gave me that.

“My motivation was that I wanted to attain and maintain a standard of living for my family and Valentines allowed me the opportunit­y to do that.”

Dundee woman Pat Garland worked at Valentines for only five years, from 1959 to 1964.

Joining as the office girl aged 16, the former St Mary’s Forebank and Lawside pupil worked as a comptomete­r and computer input

operator. She left the company after applying for a promotion as head of the computer input department, only to be told, as was often the view of businesses at the time, “you won’t get the job because you’ll leave and have a child”.

Reflecting on that period, however, the now 79-year-old has “no regrets” about the time she spent there.

Working alongside many older women, she “learned a lot” about life.

After leaving to work in the office of Wm Low, she got married and had two daughters.

However, she also found her “real world” experience at Valentines invaluable when, later in life, she decided to go back to college and retrain as a primary school teacher.

“Working at Valentines was a big deal at the time,” says Pat, who went on to teach at St Fergus Primary in Ardler and then in 1985 became deputy head at St Luke’s, where she finished up as head teacher.

“It was quite a big office in the accounts department. There were quite a number of people working there. All very friendly. All very nice. I enjoyed my time working there.

“It was multi-generation­al. There were older women, younger married women. Then there was me – a wee innocent 16-year-old who hadn’t a clue about life.

“But I got everything finished off for me in the office there because they all talked about their husbands and everything else, and I just

listened in!”

Pat contacted the organisers of the V&A Dundee exhibition after reading in The Courier their appeal for former employees to get in touch to share memories and anecdotes.

It got her thinking about what a good company it had been to work for.

She remembers bonuses at Christmas and they would get discounts on cards and calendars.

She would get the bus into town and walk down the Perth Road to the office. In the evening, they would go dancing.

Most importantl­y, however, it was memorable as being her first job.

She adds: “I think the exhibition is a good way to celebrate because it was a company that gave a lot and employed a lot of people in Dundee.

“They’ve had myself and my friend down to share memories: they asked us about it and recorded us speaking.

“Whether it goes into the actual exhibition or not, I don’t know, but it’s nice to be part of it!”

Developed in collaborat­ion with the University of St Andrews, Sincerely, Valentines – From Postcards to Greetings Cards is a partnershi­p between V&A Dundee and curatorial practice Panel that uncovers the story of Valentines, bringing together the discipline­s of photograph­y, illustrati­on and print design.

Central to the exhibition is new work from designer Maeve Redmond who has created a series of oversized postcards, and a new film by Rob Kennedy focusing on the stories and experience­s of those who worked for Valentines.

Over the course of the exhibition, V&A Dundee will continue to collect memories about life at the factory, and its significan­ce to the city.


The exhibition runs in V&A Dundee’s Michelin Design Gallery, a free exhibition and project space on the upper floor of the museum, from July 2 until January 8, 2023.

Q What is your favourite moment in a wedding ceremony?

A So hard to pin-point as weddings are truly magical, from a groom first seeing their bride, or watching them listen to the vows whilst swallowing deeply and fighting back tears to the joy that is announcing they are wed – what an absolute privilege.

Q What has your work taught you about love and relationsh­ips?

A Every single person is on a journey, tomorrow is not guaranteed so if you find that one, love them, tell them that daily, laugh constantly and make time to talk and time to listen.

Q What was the most memorable wedding you attended?

A Every wedding is different, every wedding is unique, it’s the people that make a wedding so every single wedding creates their own story and memories. But standing outside Dunnottar Castle in the north-east of Scotland officiatin­g, and an elopement for an Italian couple reciting half in Italian and drinking Irn-bru from the Quaich takes some beating.

Q What advice would you give a couple who are wondering if they should get married?

A Talk to the person you would like to marry you and listen to the wonderful stories and tales of weddings. If in doubt, don’t rush, do your homework but most of all – enjoy the journey.

Q What is your favourite song on the dancefloor?

A Well, this is a great question as I am normally gone before the music kicks in but on the few weddings I am still there, the song comes alive when wedding guests leave all their dignity at the door and start busting some horrendous moves on the dance floor. That being said you can’t beat Loch Lomond at the end of the night.

Q What is your least favourite song to hear played by a band or DJ?

A The one where they say “this is the last song of the night”. Sad times.

Q What did it feel like to win Celebrant of the Year?

A Very humbling to be honest, I became a celebrant as I thought I had something to add, I went to weddings and thought “I fancy a bit of that so I do” so I trained, qualified and off I went. To receive this award is wonderful, just makes me want to continue to write fun, upbeat and loving ceremonies.

Q Favourite piece of poetry to hear or recite at a ceremony?

A I love it when a family member or friend spends time crafting a poem about the couple or about love, as it is entirely about the couple. It is one that you will never hear again but one that also carries so much meaning on their wedding day.

Q Favourite part of Scotland to explore and visit?

A Loch Lomond – I lived there for seven years and still find places I never knew existed.


A People who work hard, people who show humility and put others first and seek nothing in return. My dad is a big inspiratio­n in my life, he loves to hear about my couples, their venue of choice and any funny events from their big day.

Who inspires you? Q What is your most cherished possession?

A My kids, as I think I am still quite a cool dad. As we all know, one day that will stop so I will take it for as long as I can.

Q Best advice for a bride, groom, mother-in-law, father of a newborn and so on, stressed out on their big day?

A The day is going to go in a flash so stressing just gets in the way of your day’s enjoyment. Trust the process, trust the suppliers and enjoy every single minute as we will look back and realise that in fact they were huge moments. You can’t stress over the unknown.

 ?? ?? HISTORY BOOKS: Andrew Valentine in the Napier Reading Room at the Richardson Research Library at St Andrews.
HISTORY BOOKS: Andrew Valentine in the Napier Reading Room at the Richardson Research Library at St Andrews.
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 ?? ?? Above, former sales director George Cuthill; top right, a woman hard at work at Valentines in 1970; far right, Sunset on the Tay, Dundee, 1940; right, Pat Garland who joined as an office girl at the age of 16.
Above, former sales director George Cuthill; top right, a woman hard at work at Valentines in 1970; far right, Sunset on the Tay, Dundee, 1940; right, Pat Garland who joined as an office girl at the age of 16.
 ?? ?? The Harbour, St Andrews, 1940, one of the many postcards to feature in the new exhibition.
The Harbour, St Andrews, 1940, one of the many postcards to feature in the new exhibition.
 ?? ?? Andrew Valentine, great-great-grandson of company founder James Valentine, with Dr Catriona Mcara, of the Richardson Research Library.
Andrew Valentine, great-great-grandson of company founder James Valentine, with Dr Catriona Mcara, of the Richardson Research Library.
 ?? ?? TAKE A VOW: One of Andrew’s most memorable weddings was at Dunnottar Castle.
TAKE A VOW: One of Andrew’s most memorable weddings was at Dunnottar Castle.
 ?? ?? Andrew Scott conducts a service.
Andrew Scott conducts a service.

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