The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

Tories condemn £1.5m Indy prospectus cost


More than £1.5 million of public money will be spent annually on civil servants who have been tasked to work on the independen­ce campaign, figures show.

Data obtained by the Scottish Conservati­ves using freedom of informatio­n legislatio­n shows 25 officials working on the prospectus.

Using the maximum salary of civil servants in each of the pay bands, the Tories calculated the Scottish Government will spend £1,532,664 on staff working on the prospectus.

Tory Conservati­ve constituti­on spokesman Donald Cameron condemned the spend.

He said: “Most Scots will be appalled that Nicola Sturgeon is squanderin­g huge sums of public money on her pet project at the same time as imposing savage cuts on public services.

“It is further proof, if any were needed, the SNP leader always puts her party’s interests before those of the country.”

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