The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

Bring nature into your home with some hardy houseplant­s

An expert from the Royal Horticultu­ral Society suggests five plants that are easy to care for


“Being around nature can boost your mood and reduce feelings of stress and anger ”

Bringing a bit of nature and greenery into your life can benefit both your mental and physical wellbeing, so it’s little wonder houseplant­s became popular during lockdown. But, according to new figures, the trend is still going strong.

Tesco has reported that demand for houseplant­s has soared by more than 130% since 2019, with what started as a lockdown trend gathering pace.

As mental health charity Mind points out, being around nature can boost your mood and reduce feelings of stress and anger. With more people now working from home (government figures from last year show 44% of workers reported home or hybrid working), not only are houseplant­s a cheap and easy way to spruce up your space, there’s the added bonus of calming properties.

Tesco suggests people sharing photos of their living space on social media could be one of the reasons demand for houseplant­s has soared. Tesco’s plants buyer Vicki I’anson said: “We first noticed the trend during the early months of lockdown, as a direct result of people having to stay at home and not being able to visit parks and other open spaces.

“But the trend caught on very quickly, with people keen to show on social media how they were adorning their homes with houseplant­s, and it’s now even more pronounced than it was then.”

Guy Barter, chief horticultu­rist at the Royal Horticultu­ral Society (RHS), has also noticed the rise in people seeking “to enhance their homes and bring greenery into their lives”.

Noting that RHS garden centres have reported a 32% rise in houseplant sales in the last three years, he added: “The RHS has done research with Reading University on the value of houseplant­s to how people feel about their dwellings. Bushy green leafy plants, such as weeping fig, calathea, Swiss cheese plant and indoor palms such as kentia were reported as being especially valued.”

But, which houseplant­s are hardiest and easy to care for? Barter suggests some options:


This small tree gives height, with a grey trunk and delicate small glossy leaves. According to Barter, it can do well where there is bright but indirect light.


Calathea is a plant that grows well in relatively low light. “Its large, striking variegated leaves bring drama to the room, but be careful when watering – keep it moist and never dry or soggy,” said Barter.


According to Barter, the popular Swiss cheese plant is “a very willing, sprawling plant. It can be led up poles to make a striking feature with its deep green or variegated glossy and perforated leaves”.


As a succulent plant, crassula are easy to grow and drought tolerant. “Succulents are notably popular with people who like to build up a collection of the different forms in greys and greens, but they need a bright windowsill,” said Barter.


With its elegant, sharp leaves, a sweetheart plant can make a striking addition to any space.

“Its climbing habit makes this a great plant to adorn furniture where the light is bright but indirect,” said Barter.

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