The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Pensioner’s death confirmed

- By Alan Richardson and Kirsten Johnson

THE FAMILY of tragic Pitlochry pensioner, Elizabeth Stevenson (pictured) paid tribute to townspeopl­e after her death was confirmed yesterday.

Elizabeth (77) was found on farmland near the town on Sunday after a massive sixweek search involving dozens of locals.

She had gone missing during her regular walk around Pitlochry on February 21.

Despite finding her body curled up on farmland at Overton of Fonab on Sunday morning, it took until yesterday to formally identify Elizabeth, known as Bet.

Her family in Ayrshire — including daughter Fiona Kerr, who bravely played her mother in a desperate re-enactment of her last known movements — were too distraught to speak publicly yesterday.

But Inspector Maggie Pettigrew, who coordinate­d the search, said: “The family have asked that we thank everyone who helped in the search.

“Whilst this does bring an end to it, it’s very upsetting for the family.

“I have said previously, and they agree, that the support from local businesses and from the local community was exceptiona­l and I would also offer my thanks to them.

“Local businesses have provided services and accommodat­ion for searchers free of charge and we’re very grateful.”

The community is united in grief at the tragic loss of the popular pensioner.

Bet’s former employer Natalie Johnson, who owns Scotch Corner ice-cream and sweet shop on Atholl Road, said her death had rocked the town.

“She was a lovely, kind woman who was a big hit with my customers,” she said.

“She stopped working for me some years ago but we kept in touch and I would say hello to her every time she passed the shop on her regular walks.

“We are all devastated that she has lost her life in this way.”

She added: “I was one of the last people to see her on the day she went missing at Dysart Brae and she seemed fine. I will always remember her smiling face.”

The chairman of Pitlochry Community Council Andrew Holmes said: “It is very sad news but I am glad there is finally some closure for her family.

“My sympathies are with them at this time.

“She was a well-known face and will be missed.”

David Stalker, who lived near Bet at Aldour Gardens, said: “What an awful end for Bet.

“I saw her on the day she went missing and gave her a wave. She will be sadly missed.”

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