The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Councillor­s contactabl­e

- By Peter Swindon

Fife Council has clarified how the public can get in touch with new councillor­s after the Courier received complaints that some can’t be contacted.

Of the local authority’s 78 councillor­s, 29 were elected for the first time on 3 May.

FIFE COUNCIL has clarified how the public can get in touch with new councillor­s after the Courier received complaints that some cannot be contacted.

Of the local authority’s 78 councillor­s, 29 were elected for the first time on May 3.

Several readers wrote to the Courier, confused about how to reach their new representa­tive by telephone and email.

One woman, who asked to remain anonymous, wrote: “Over two weeks since the local council election, Fife Council has still not made available email addresses for the new councillor­s.

“We can only assume they haven’t managed to set up email accounts for them even though a child using the internet can set up an email address within minutes.

“If residents who want to get in touch with their new councillor­s are frustrated and baffled, how much worse must it be for the new councillor­s?”

The issue was also raised at last week’s meeting of Cowdenbeat­h Community Council, where chairman Alex Haddow asked two of the town’s new councillor­s for contact details.

Councillor Peter Lockhart told members he is yet to be issued with an official mobile phone, but would circulate his number in due course.

Fellow Labour councillor Jayne Baxter said all newly-elected councillor­s could be contacted by email in the meantime.

Fife Council’s democratic services manager, Linda Bissett, said: “All councillor­s’ details are available online and you can contact a councillor either by telephone or email.

“If we have not yet been able to confirm which telephone number the new councillor­s wish to use, we have provided a number for Members Services.

“Anyone calling will be put in contact with their councillor this way.”

New councillor­s are in the process of setting up regular “surgeries”.

All councillor­s’ emails use the same system:

To contact a councillor by telephone, call members services on 01592 583101.

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