The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Man jailed following assault

- By Gordon Berry

A FIFE MAN who committed a “sustained and unprovoked” assault was jailed for nine months when he appeared at Cupar Sheriff Court yesterday.

Appearing on indictment was Darren Williams (33), described as a prisoner at Perth, who was told that he had an “appalling” record and jail was the only option.

Williams had been due to stand trial before sheriff and jury at Cupar, but when the case was called the Crown accepted a guilty plea to one of the four charges on the indictment.

It stated that in February, at a house in Golfdrum Street, Dunfermlin­e, he assaulted Derek Bell, repeatedly punched him on the head and body, butted him on the head, repeatedly kneed him on the head, seized him by the clothing and threw him across a room causing him to collide with furniture.

Pleas of not guilty were accepted to the other three charges, one of which alleged a masked assault in another Dunfermlin­e house, and a claim that Williams assaulted another man with a hammer, presented a knife at him, and robbed him of a quantity of money.

Another of the not guilty pleas related to an allegation that Williams assaulted a pregnant woman in Dunfermlin­e, held a knife to her head, searched her clothing, and robbed her of money.

The fourth charge was an allegation that Williams obstructed police and refused to provide a swab.

Depute fiscal Brent Bissett told the court that the assault on Mr Bell took place when he tried to intervene in a disagreeme­nt between the accused and another person.

He was punched around 20 times before being dragged to his feet and thrown across a room, leaving his clothing and a table splashed with blood.

Mr Bell was taken to hospital with substantia­l bruising to his face, neck, and body, and had stitches inserted in a face wound.

Defence solicitor Zander Flett said that Williams was genuinely remorseful.

Sheriff Charles Macnair jailed Williams for a total of nine months, which includes a requiremen­t to serve an unexpired portion of a previous prison sentence.

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