The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Top of the swing

- Barry Smith

THE KEY at the top of the swing is balance.

In a good backswing, the weight remains under the middle of the feet and the player is balanced and ready to rip it.

If the weight is forward then the arms are in a weak position and must jump back in front of the body to get back to the ball.

The ideal top of the backswing shows the club pointing towards the target and parallel with the ball to target line.

If the club is in this position at the top, the down swing can just unfold simply and powerfully.

From here you can rip into the ball with your whole right side and ‘free wheel’ through the shot.

Remember: it’s all about balance

1 Spine angle maintained. Ensure that your spine angle has not changed from address and that your weight is still under the middle of your feet. Good balance at the top of the swing allows you to fire into the ball powerfully in the down swing and your body won’t have to back out of the shot.

2 Hands left of head. Your hands should be left of your head and not above it (from face on). This is a result of the right arm staying ‘long’ and creating width earlier in the backswing. It is also evidence of the arms being in front of the turn. Here, you want to feel like your right hand is as far away from your right ear as possible.

3 Shallow arm swing. From down the line, the left arm should lie ‘deep’ across the chest – ie, be at a shallow angle. This helps create a powerful down swing, one where you are not chopping into the ball.

4 Right side. If you make a stable turn then your weight at the top should be on the inside of your right foot, NOT the outside. Keeping your right hip position inside right foot (face on) is a good way to ensure backswing stability. Also, keep your right leg flexed at the top.

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