The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Dons chairman Milne vague over Rangers newco


ABERDEEN HAV E refused to commit to a policy on a newco Rangers despite pressure from supporters.

Chairman Stewart Milne released a statement yesterday saying only that they will act in the best interests of the club and Scottish football.

Charles Green’s consortium plan to form a new company, which would buy the assets of the club, if creditors reject their Company Voluntary Arrangemen­t offer to come out of administra­tion.

That newco club would need to apply to the SPL to acquire Rangers’ share with all clubs getting a vote on the matter from nextwednes­day.

Many Scottish football supporters do not feel a new Rangers should secure entry to the top flight and Milne responded to Aberdeen fans’ concerns.

Milne said: “We are aware of the issues, concerns and opinions raised by our supporters with regards to the ongoing situation.

“These issues have taken up a great deal of my time, Duncan Fraser, the chief executive’s time, and that of our board of directors.

“The issues are complex and the situation remains extremely fluid.

“Events continue to move on a daily basis and therefore we feel it has been, and remains, inappropri­ate to comment publicly on what might arise out of this.

“We will continue to give this matter our full attention and will do what we believe is in the best interests of Aberdeen Football Club and Scottish football and will communicat­e this to our supporters at the appropriat­e time.”

Milne’s vague comments mirror a previous statement by Celtic but other chairmen have been more explicit.

Hibernian’s Rod Petrie last week claimed “sporting integrity is beyond purchase” while St Johnstone chairman Steve Brown insisted he would demand sanctions on any newco Rangers.

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