The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Take your own entertainm­ent


“DOCTORS’ AND dentists’ waiting-rooms are not the pleasure palaces they once were,” complains a Perth reader.

“Always falling over or getting into fights and breaking bones as a boy in Dundee, I spent a lot of time in waiting-rooms to have my minor wounds stitched and bandaged or my broken teeth repaired or extracted.

“I found the magazines fascinatin­g, as we could not afford material like The Scots Magazine, The Reader’s Digest or Punch. I grew up with them, often wishing I could have borrowed them when I was called in for treatment in the middle of a fascinatin­g yarn.

“In recent years, I had been finding the selection less and less to my taste, then magazines disappeare­d altogether from waiting rooms as they were deemed unhygienic and liable to spread disease from patient to patient.

“Luckily, doctors and dentists seem to have had a conversion and magazines have reappeared. Unfortunat­ely, they are now of no interest to me whatsoever, being mostly very girlie – ‘Hello!’, fashion magazines, ‘The Field’ and the like.

“As, in my dotage, I have resumed my acquaintan­ce with the medical and dental profession­s, but for very different reasons, I have been forced to find other ways of amusing myself as I await my call to arms.

“I still use the magazines, but I use them only as solid rests for my newspaper crosswords which I am careful to take along to each visit!”

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