The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Lyle avoids jail sentence

- by Gordon Currie

JOSHUA LYLE, whose family founded the Golden Syrup empire, was found weaving drunkenly across the road near his ancestral home has been ordered to carry out unpaid work in the community.

Ly l e , 34, wa s told he had narrowly escaped being jailed after he admitted drink-driving for the second time in three years.

Lyle was ordered to carry out 180 hours’ community payback and was banned from driving for five years.

At Perth Sheriff Court yesterday, Sheriff Lindsay Foulis told Lyle his family circumstan­ces, including the birth of a daughter eight weeks ago, were a factor which prevented him being sent to prison.

“Unfortunat­ely, in the past three years you have on two occasions got behind the wheel whilst you have had enough alcohol to put you significan­tly over the limit,” he said.

“In 2010, you were over twice the legal limit. On this occasion you were in excess of three times the legal limit.

“You are undoubtedl­y in a situation where your liberty is at jeopardy.

“I am not going to impose a custodial sentence, given all your circumstan­ces, including how it might affect your partner and new child.”

Lyle, who runs a Christmas tree business employing 250 seasonal workers, was caught after police received a tip-off about the manner of his driving.

Lyle, the son of Sir Gavin Lyle, 3rd Baronet, admitted driving drunk on Coupar Angus road and Golf Course Road in Blairgowri­e on 23 June. His reading was 114 mics. The limit is 35 mics..

Fiscal depute Jim Eodanable told the court: “The vehicle was seen to be swerving from side to side and into the opposing lane. The vehicle was stopped by the police and they spoke to the accused.

“They detected a strong smell of alcohol. He was slurring his words and appeared heavily under the influence of alcohol. He gave a positive roadside breath test. He cooperated fully.”

The court was told that Lyle, 34, from Bournemout­h, had been driving back to the family seat at Glendelvin­e House, Caputh, Perthshire, when he was arrested and locked up overnight.

Solicitor John McLaughlin, defending, said: “He is very remorseful, not only for the public, but for everyone else he has placed in this position through his own stupid actions.”

The Lyle family made a fortune from the creation of its famed Golden Syrup and later joined with Tate to create the sugar giant Tate and Lyle.

 ??  ?? Joshua Lyle leaves Perth Sheriff Court.
Joshua Lyle leaves Perth Sheriff Court.

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