The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Forget the flippancy


Sir, – Iain G Richmond (Letters, July 22) forgets the main thing about independen­ce isn’t so much the issues he chooses to poke fun at, it’s the fact that the very important decisions about those issues will be taken by the people who know best about our needs in Scotland and that’s the people who actually live here, whatever their party colour might be. There’s no pretence about that.

His flippant letter might entertain the typical meanspirit­ed unionist, but brings nothing to the very important debate going on. The only pretence comes from the way he raises those issues by implying it’s all down to that bogey man Salmond.

The Queen is our monarch too, is she not, so what’s his point? The pound is also every bit as much ours as indeed is the Bank of England and 8.4% of its reserves, despite its title. We are also entitled to apply to join NA TO the same as the other 27 members and we are already members of the EU. Everyone and their granny now realises that except Mr Richmond it seems.

People in this country in the 21st century now have to use food banks to feed themselves and the NHS needs ever more money, yet there is £100 billion to continue with those ridiculous nuclear weapons we can’t even use without Obama’s permission. It could and should be better used elsewhere. Frankly, with regards to the BBC I’m pretty sure many couldn’t care less what happens to that biased, den of iniquity.

Unionists are entitled to debate independen­ce the same as anyone else. However, with the way things are starting to run away from them, I’d suggest some positivity would help their cause rather than the desperate, scaremonge­ring negativity we have been used to and now this flippancy. BJW Macfarlane. 10 Beck Crescent, Dunfermlin­e.

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