The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Camp – great adventure


“THE PICTURE of the 16th BB lads taken at camp in Auchterard­er evokes many memories,” writes Ian Ross, once of Arklay Street, but now of Forfar.

“Donald Abbott, who supplied the picture, was also a 16th BB boy in the early 1950s. The company was one of the best in Dundee at that time, due to the dedicated group of officers.

“It was possible to be at the BB in St James’s Church in Arklay Street seven nights a week learning new skills, such as first aid, morse and semaphore signalling, drill, tying knots, arts and crafts, PT and many others.

“Swimming was also a strong feature – at one time the 16th made up the entire battalion swimming team, whilst football was another popular activity.

“Under the leadership of the skipper Charlie McKellican, the other officers were Jimmy Forbes, Stan Wallace, Willie Morton, Ronnie Reid and Harry McKellican.

“Annual camp was a great adventure, with the places on the advance party being hotly contested. This meant that you could get away a couple of nights earlier, but involved the delights of digging out latrines and pitching the bell tents and the huge marquee, which was the mess facility for everyone.

“Health and Safety would have had a field day – sleeping on straw, washing the porridge dixies with stream water and bathing and initiation ceremonies in the pond!

“At night we were allowed to visit Dunlop’s café in Auchterard­er, where coffees or ice creams were much enjoyed, as was looking out for the local talent!

“None of us seemed to be the worse of attending bible class on Sunday morning, church service after it and attending the service again in the evening. The religious input was supplied by the Reverend “Jem” Baikie of whom space would not be available here to give him justice.

“Does anyone know who the five campers were in the photo and are there more memories of the BB?”

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