The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Faculty of Advocates endorses human traffickin­g bill


A DUNDEE- BASED MSP’s bid to clamp down on criminal gangs illegally traffickin­g workers into Scotland has been backed by the country’s top lawyers.

Jenny Marra’s Human Traffickin­g ( Scotland) Bill was “enthusiast­ically endorsed” by the Faculty of Advocates yesterday.

The faculty said that, as it stands, the law lacked clarity, while concerns were also raised that not enough had been done to protect victims.

A response to Ms Marra’s proposals, which will remain in a consultati­on phase at Holyrood until the new year, said: “The faculty agrees that there is a need for legislativ­e provision to combat traffickin­g and to protect victims in order to fulfil obligation­s under internatio­nal and European law.”

Support was also given to an inquiry by the Equality and Human Rights Commission, which found that legislatio­n criminalis­ing human traffickin­g in Scotland was inconsiste­nt and lacked clarity.

Ms Marra said: “This response from the legal experts puts beyond doubt the need for new laws on human traffickin­g in Scotland.

“I welcome the response of the faculty and their support for proposals like the new Survivors Service that will better identify victims and refer them to the support they need.

“It is a sad reflection of our current efforts that, without new laws, we may be in breach of our internatio­nal obligation­s. But this bill uses the powers we have here in Scotland to deliver world-leading antitraffi­cking laws.”

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