The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

91-year-old woman ‘betrayed’ by carer who stole account money


A 91-year-old woman has told of her betrayal by her carer who stole £950 from her bank account.

The senior citizen said she was “foolish” to give her bank card and pin number to private carer Jennifer Burns, 26, who then helped herself to £950 of the pensioner’s money.

The pensioner lives independen­tly at her home in Newport, and receives regular visits from carers from a private care organisati­on, including Burns.

She said: “I foolishly asked her (Burns) on one occasion if she would mind going to the cash machine for me as I struggle to get down there.

“I didn’t realise straight away, but somehow she must have been able to use my card over the next month.”

The pensioner contacted police after she noticed a large sum of money was missing from her account.

She said: “I was foolish to put temptation in her way, but if you can’t trust the people who look after you, then who can you trust? She took advantage of my trust and it left me shattered. I felt as if I’d been cheated and it made me realise how vulnerable I am.”

Burns, from Maryknowe, Gauldry, admitted two charges of theft, via letter to Dundee Sheriff Court.

She admitted that on various occasions between November 15 and December 14 last year, at a property in Newport, she received a bank card to obtain money on behalf of the owner and stole it.

Burns further admitted using the stolen card and pin number at a cash machine to steal £950, at Scotmid, High Street, in Newport, on various occasions between the same dates.

Sentence was deferred until May 27 for reports.

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