The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Make your mark with party policies in mind


Today you get the chance to cast your vote in the most unpredicta­ble, divisive and, depending on your party of choice, plain bonkers general election in modern times.

Where to put your cross would appear to depend less on who you think will make your life better because of their policies on the likes of the economy, welfare or defence and more on who you think will be able to work with others to form a functionin­g government.

There is no doubt it makes for fascinatin­g political theatre, but it comes, unfortunat­ely, at the expense of confidence and stability.

So, try not to let all the nonsense of the last few weeks fool you. This election is about policies. It is, to put it bluntly, about who will run the economy best.

Who has the best economic plan to continue the recovery, create sustainabl­e growth and jobs across the United Kingdom and with it provide a public spending regime that is able to look after and protect the most vulnerable in society.

That is what this election is all about. It really is that simple.

What is equally simple is what this election is not about. It is not about the constituti­on.

Talk of a second referendum and independen­ce should be ignored, from all sides.

In September last year the people of Scotland made a democratic choice to remain in the United Kingdom. It is, in electoral terms, a settled position.

As ever, this newspaper would not presume to tell you how to vote but we can try to make sure you remember what the election is supposed to be about.

How many times during the campaign have you heard a debate about any policy that did not descend into bickering about constituti­onal matters or dogfights over coalitions, deals and confidence and supply agreements?

Never before has there been so little debate on policy in such a long, drawn out campaign.

Nonetheles­s, you must concentrat­e on policies. It may sound glib but you should vote for those you think have the best policies to do the most good for the United Kingdom, including Scotland.

If you are still in doubt about who to vote for today then think hard about that and you will find your answer.

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