The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Campaignin­g over – time to have your say

Tory leader says he’s not a ‘demented accountant’

- James Tapsfield

After arguably the most divisive UK general election campaign in modern history, the nation goes to the polls today. After five years of coalition government, pollsters predict there is unlikely to be a clear winner once again. Yesterday, David Cameron, Ed Miliband, Nick Clegg and Nicola Sturgeon were among those undertakin­g last-minute visits to key marginals.

David Cameron has appealed for more time to build a better Britain as he insisted the election will “define a generation”.

In a final rallying cry before the polls open today, the Prime Minister said he was not a “demented accountant” obsessed with eradicatin­g the deficit — but aimed to make life better for hard-working people.

Rounding off a frantic 36-hour tour that aimed finally to break the deadlock with Labour, Mr Cameron told activists in the crucial marginal of Carlisle: “It comes down to a choice of leadership.

“Whether you want me to continue leading our country and taking it forward, or whether you want Ed Miliband to go back to the start and waste all the work of the last five years.

“Do you want the people who are fixing the economy, or the people who wrecked our economy?”

Watched by wife Samantha, Mr Cameron said if he was returned to power he would keep growing the economy, getting people back into work and boosting childcare.

By contrast, Mr Miliband could only govern if he was “held to ransom” by Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP.

“I don’t raise this as some irrational fear – I raise it because people are raising it with me day after day,” he said.

Mr Cameron said values of “public service” were what defined him.

Welfare savings were not just about saving money but about giving people a “better life”, he added.

Do you want the people who are fixing the economy, or the people who wrecked our economy? DAVID CAMERON

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 ?? Picture: Getty Images. ?? David Cameron and wife Samantha campaignin­g in Lancaster.
Picture: Getty Images. David Cameron and wife Samantha campaignin­g in Lancaster.

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