The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Migrant crisis may lead to tunnel’s night closure

Options: Proposal discussed at emergency meetings


The Channel Tunnel could be closed at night if the crisis in Calais worsens as it was disclosed that an African migrant walked nearly the entire length of the sub-sea crossing to reach Britain.

Talks have been held to close the 31-mile Chunnel to freight and passenger trains amid concerns at the number of nightly incursions by migrants trying to get to the UK.

The proposal has been discussed at the Government’s emergency Cobra meetings in what has been described as the “nuclear option”, the Daily Telegraph reported.

Sources said the option to close the Channel Tunnel – operated by Eurotunnel – exists but there were no immediate plans to do so.

A Government spokesman said: “We have and continue to consider all potential courses of action to improve security at the Channel Tunnel in Coquelles and to prevent any loss of life.

“A number of new security measures have been introduced and ministers both here and in France keep the situation under constant review.”

The disclosure came as it emerged that a suspected illegal immigrant from Sudan walked nearly the entire length of the Chunnel from Calais before being held by British officers.

He dodged hundreds of security cameras and officers at the Calais entrance before reportedly being spotted by British security guards 11 hours later near the Folkestone exit on Tuesday.

The intrusion has been described by Eurotunnel as “extremely rare” and “extremely dangerous”, with trains travelling at up to 100mph.

Kent Police said Abdul Rahman Haroun, 40, has been charged with causing an obstructio­n to an engine or carriage using the railway under the Malicious Damage Act 1861.

At least nine people have died trying to cross from Calais to Britain amid this summer’s migrant crisis which has placed UK police and social services under huge strain.

Meanwhile, a migrant camp in Calais is to feature in an edition of the BBC’s Songs Of Praise.

Producers have been filming at a church in the Jungle area, the base for thousands of migrants who are trying to reach Britain illegally, The Sun reported.

The full crew for Songs Of Praise, including host Aled Jones, is due to arrive at the site this weekend, the newspaper said.

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