The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)
Fife man sentenced to do unpaid work after ‘bad trip’ on LSD
COURT: He assaulted police officer and ran into the street naked
He then ran on to Main Street. Police officers made chase and managed to catch up with him and he was restrained and handcuffed
A Fife man, who thought the world was ending during a “bad trip” on LSD and ran into the street naked, has been sentenced.
Matthew Wake feared he was going to be abducted and took refuge in his toilet which he thought was a “safety pod”, Dunfermline Sheriff Court has heard.
When police went to his door, Wake was naked as he screamed, shouted and threw himself to the floor, having already smashed up his home.
He assaulted a police officer and ran into the street, still naked, as children waited for their school bus nearby.
The incident at 8am on Crossgates Main Street was captured on camera and posted widely on social media, the court heard previously.
A concerned neighbour contacted the police after hearing Wake shouting and screaming in his home.
The court heard this was as a result of Wake having taken LSD on top of alcohol and believing that “the world had come to an end”.
Wake, 27, of Main Street, Crossgates, admitted that on January 13 at his home he assaulted a police constable by punching him on the head.
He also admitted behaving in a threatening or abusive manner by running into the street naked, shouting, screaming and behaving in an aggressive manner.
A neighbour had contacted the police at around 7.30am because of the noise being caused by Wake. When officers arrived, Wake answered the door naked and was shouting incoherently.
He dived to the floor and continued to scream. Police went inside and found his home had been ransacked, a TV had been knocked over, there was broken glass from a mirror and spray from blood and vomit on the floor.
Depute fiscal Gary McMullan said Wake pushed his way past a police officer and punched him on the side of the head. “He then ran on to Main Street. “Police officers made chase and managed to catch up with him and he was restrained and handcuffed,” he added.
Photographs were taken and there was a lot of social media attention with images posted on Facebook and Instagram, the court had heard.
Defence solicitor Ian Beatson said his client had suffered from a “bad trip”. It had been an act of “stupidity” to take the drugs after consuming alcohol.
Sheriff Eric Brown imposed a community payback order with 120 hours of unpaid work.