The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Bonds to help associatio­n build more Fife homes


A housing associatio­n in Fife has secured £5.22 million of borrowing to build 116 new homes through a Scottish Government­supported bond.

Kingdom Housing Associatio­n is one of four social landlords to benefit this year from the £50m Allia charity bond to support almost 1,000 new homes.

The new source of finance, announced by Social Justice Secretary Alex Neil in Dunfermlin­e, provides unsecured loans backed by a bond with an attractive interest rate.

It will be used for 27 homes in Kincardine, 22 in Dunfermlin­e, 49 in Cupar and 18 in Lower Largo, all ready for sale or rent next year.

Visiting Calaiswood Crescent, where Persimmon Homes is building, Mr Neil said: “Innovative financing schemes such as charitable bonds will play a major role in our approach to supporting a major expansion in housing supply over the next parliament­ary term.

“The bonds are ethical financial products that are providing housing associatio­ns in Scotland with easily accessible developmen­t finance for new affordable homes.”

Nick Pollard, Kingdom Housing Associatio­n director of finance, said: “We are delighted to be involved in this innovative funding. It enables us to continue to deliver much needed homes across the Fife region meeting our planned objectives.”

 ?? Picture: George McLuskie. ?? Alex Neil, front, with Phil Caroe, Allia’s director of social finance.
Picture: George McLuskie. Alex Neil, front, with Phil Caroe, Allia’s director of social finance.

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