The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Torness nuclear reactor shut down


One of the reactors at Torness nuclear power station has been shut down due to a problem with a valve.

The issue was discovered on Wednesday during routine maintenanc­e at the facility, near Dunbar in East Lothian. Operator EDF Energy said the manual shutdown was carried out as a precaution with no safety, health or environmen­tal impacts.

Reactor one is still generating electricit­y and EDF expects reactor two to be back online soon.

Station director Paul Winkle said: “Whilst carrying out routine maintenanc­e in the convention­al turbine part of the plant, there was an issue with a valve and our operations team took prompt action and manually shut down the reactor, putting safety first.

“Cooling to the reactor was maintained at all times and there were no safety, health or environmen­tal impacts.

“There actor will be returned to power as soon as maintenanc­e is satisfacto­rily completed.”

Last month it was announced that Torness nuclear power station will have its life extended by seven years, remaining operationa­l until 2030.

The power station started operating in 1988 and now employs 550 full-time staff plus around 180 contractor­s.

Its two nuclear reactors generate enough electricit­y to power more than two million homes, says the French firm.

 ??  ?? The Torness plant in East Lothian.
The Torness plant in East Lothian.

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