The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)



100 years ago

Chief Petty Officer Dargie, Drake Battalion, Royal Naval Division, has brought honour to Dundee. A short time ago he was awarded the Medaille Militaire by the French military authoritie­s, while he was also presented with a sword in recognitio­n of the splendid services he rendered to the French Army in Gallipoli. He is at present at home on furlough and has given an account of the events leading up to the winning of the French honours. CPO Dargie is married, his wife living at 40 Blackscrof­t.

50 years ago

A 30-year-old Dundee art teacher, Mr Peter Collins, has been elected an Associate of the Royal Scottish Academy. He is one of the youngest Associates the RSA has had since it was founded in 1826. Mr Collins is a member of staff of the Drawing and Painting School of Duncan of Jordanston­e College of Art. He said that he knew he had been one of a good number of candidates for an associates­hip, but didn’t dare hope he would be elected. Mr Collins is married and has two children Edwin (6) and Petra (5).

25 years ago

Rangers manager Graeme Souness apologised for his team’s behaviour after three of his side were sent off in a stormy Scottish Cup fifth-round clash against Celtic at Parkhead. Celtic also had a man sent off as they killed Rangers’ dream of a “treble” with a 2-0 win. Peter Grant of Celtic was the first to get the red card followed by Terry Hurlock, Mark Walters and Mark Hately. Souness said: “I would like to apologise on behalf of my team for their lack of discipline.”

One year ago

A council plan to fell an avenue of mature trees and woodland screening Perth Crematoriu­m has been branded “desecratio­n”. The route of a controvers­ial link road running between the crematoriu­m and McDiarmid Park will be decided today by councillor­s. It has emerged that not only will scattered ashes be disturbed but dozens of trees could be axed if the plan gets the green light. The move could also mean the loss of St Johnstone’s training pitch said team manager Tommy Wright.

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