The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Tayside and Fife women among top directors

- Andrew argo

Tayside and Fife won two major prizes at the Scottish Director of the Year awards last night.

Lesley Knox, non-executive chairwoman of the V&A Museum of Design in Dundee, was named Bank of Scotland Non-Executive Director of the Year at the Institute of Directors Scotland event in Glasgow.

The former chairwoman of the Alliance Trust is also chairwoman of the Grosvenor Group property corporatio­n and trustee of Grosvenor Estate, Edinburgh.

She further chairs the remunerati­on committee of energy services group Centrica and is non-executive director of multinatio­nal brewing and beverage company SAB Miller.

The judging panel said she had proved herself over many years in a diverse range of roles to be the consummate non-executive director.

“She has a real focus on strategy and shareholde­r relationsh­ips and is relentless in driving value creation in every business she has served,” they continued. “She has successful­ly held multiple FTSE 100 roles and led private and public companies.”

With a strong sense of civic duty, she has carried out public and charitable roles “with great distinctio­n”.

Sharon McKenzie, Fife Council’s head of human resources, won the NHS Scotland and Carers Scotland Director Award for a Carer Friendly, Healthy Workplace.

The judges said she is the driving force behind the organisati­on’s peoplefocu­sed activity and has clear strategies and policies in place that ensure this focus is embedded and sustainabl­e.

“Sharon’s story is a story of personal and profession­al commitment, with good practice demonstrat­ed.”

Eric Duncan, managing director of Dundee tea and coffee merchants James Aimer, was regional director of the year for Dundee.

Bruce Tait, chief executive of voluntary sector recruitmen­t agency Bruce Tait Associates, won the regional prize for Fife and Central.

David Watt, IoD Scotland executive director, said the judges had been very impressed by the accomplish­ments of the nominees and winners.

For the first time, more than half the winners were female directors – evidence that “balance is translatin­g to Scottish boardrooms”.

 ??  ?? The judges said that Lesley Knox was the consummate nonexecuti­ve director.
The judges said that Lesley Knox was the consummate nonexecuti­ve director.

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