The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Investment prepares for redevelopm­ent


ScottishPo­wer is paying tens of millions of pounds to make the site viable for new investors, it has been revealed.

And its work with local communitie­s will continue long after the gates shut.

It is a major project to decommissi­on and demolish and prepare the site for potential future redevelopm­ent and that is a fundamenta­l part of the company’s role on the taskforce, helping to find future use for the site, beyond the work being carried out with the team at Longannet.

A ScottishPo­wer spokesman said: “We continue to work closely with every team member at Longannet, to find the best outcomes possible for all individual­s.

“Working with the trade unions, this process is progressin­g well.

“ScottishPo­wer has also been an integral part of the task force group.

“A key part of our role in the group has been working with the partners to look at the potential use of the site at Longannet after demolition.

“We will work with interested parties and consider all options that could potentiall­y encourage new businesses and create new jobs for the long term.”

In the short term, he added, the decommissi­oning work and demolition programme will run into tens of millions of pounds, ensuring the site will be ready for redevelopm­ent.

“This programme will see ScottishPo­wer continuing to operate the site and working with local communitie­s for at least the next five years,” he said.

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