The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Therapist feels loss as caring dog Poppy dies

pet: Boxer helped owner break the ice with vulnerable people in Dundee

- paul Malik

A dog that helped a therapist reach out to those less fortunate and in need of support has died at the age of 11.

Poppy the boxer would help cognitive behavioura­l therapist Kimi Cowie-McCash break the ice with vulnerable people in Dundee by identifyin­g those in need of support, according to her owner.

The pair appeared on Loose Women last summer, recognitio­n for the hard work they carried out in the city.

Making the announceme­nt on Twitter, Ms Cowie-McCash said that Poppy had suffered a heart attack and a possible stroke.

She was rushed to the vet but was too weak to pull through, a previously undiagnose­d tumour having ruptured on her spleen.

Speaking to The Courier, Ms Cowie-McCash paid tribute to her “best friend” and said that Poppy truly was “special”, praising her gentle nature.

She said: “She was so couthie. She was so gentle and small, especially for a boxer.

“I saw her being born 11 years ago and this was the first time she was ever ill.

“I have been door to door to let people know that she has passed and left a queue of people sobbing.

“I’ve been inundated with support on Facebook and Twitter and had supportive emails too.

“The level of support I’ve had has been great.”

Scottish crime writer Val McDermid sent support to Ms Cowie-McCash on Twitter, acknowledg­ing how difficult the loss of a pet is.

Broadcaste­r and Loose Women presenter Kaye Adams also sent her support, saying how “sorry” she was to hear of the loss.

Kimi had interviewe­d Val McDermid for a podcast, and talked passionate­ly about her dog. She said that Poppy had helped her cope with depression and hoped that she had helped others too.

Ms Cowie-McCash and Poppy came to the attention of thousands as she spoke to those who required support and attention, such as the city’s homeless people.

 ??  ?? Kimi worked with Poppy.
Kimi worked with Poppy.

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