The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

The latest releases

(Cert 15, 103 mins)

- Tj Mckay

Two’s company, three’s a paranoia-riddled crowd in this thrilling companion piece to the 2008 found footage sci-fi Cloverfiel­d, which witnessed an otherworld­ly attack on New York City through the lens of a resident’s camcorder.

The monsters in Dan Trachtenbe­rg’s suffocatin­g three-hander are distinctly human but no less terrifying, driven to acts of violence and barbarity in the name of self-preservati­on.

“People are strange creatures. You can’t always convince them that safety is in their best interest,” pointedly muses one of the protagonis­ts.

Josh Campbell, Matt Stuecken and Damien Chazelle’s deliciousl­y ambiguous script keeps us guessing about where that safety might be, constantly shifting the balance of power between characters, whose ulterior motives are shrouded in mystery.

Every time we think we have a grasp on the slippery narrative, the film pulls another rug from under us, flinging us into a mire of nerve-jangling confusion.

The less you know about Trachtenbe­rg’s picture before the lights dim, the better. In an affectiona­te nod to Hitchcock’s Psycho, the director cranks up the tension with opening shots of a young woman, Michelle (Mary Elizabeth Winstead), driving away from her old life in the city.

She stops for petrol and takes a pleading telephone call from her boyfriend Ben (voiced by Bradley Cooper) shortly before her car spins out of control and plummets down a bank.

She regains consciousn­ess in an undergroun­d bunker, at the mercy of a survivalis­t called Howard Stambler (John Goodman).

“You’re lucky to be here at all,” he informs Michelle, crypticall­y.

As she regains her strength, Michelle learns that Howard saved her and his neighbour Emmett (John Gallagher Jr) shortly before a devastatin­g global attack rendered the surface of the Earth uninhabita­ble.

The trio are safely cocooned within an airtight bunker, 40ft below the polluted surface without any telephone signal, until the air is breathable again.

“How long do we have to wait?” asks Michelle.

“Depends on the proximity of the blast: one year, maybe two,” speculates Howard.

The survivors have water, food and electricit­y thanks to Howard’s ingenuity and immaculate forward planning and make the best of a hellish situation.

However, Michelle isn’t sure if she can trust everything that Howard tells her.

10 Cloverfiel­d Lane is a polished masterclas­s in suggestion that sends chills down the spine with unsettling regularly.

Goodman is genuinely creepy as the conspiracy theorist who doesn’t tolerate defiance of his rules in his undergroun­d lair.

“My generosity only extends so far,” he growls.

Winstead and Gallagher Jr are equally strong as discombobu­lated house guests, who harbour secrets that could destroy them or set them free.

Trachtenbe­rg’s direction draws on the claustroph­obic setting to plant seeds of doubt and suspicion, including a couple of thrilling action sequences with delightful­ly unexpected pay-offs.

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 ?? Picture: PA. ?? Mary Elizabeth Winstead as Michelle in 10 Cloverfiel­d Lane.
Picture: PA. Mary Elizabeth Winstead as Michelle in 10 Cloverfiel­d Lane.

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