The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

EU campaign lies see trust in our politician­s hitting an all-time low

Just 19% of the voting public say they believed claims of elected representa­tives during Brexit fight

- Sam Blewett

Trust in politician­s is “approachin­g rock bottom” with only 19% of the public thinking they were largely telling the truth during the EU referendum campaign, researcher­s have said.

Nurses, however, were found to be the most trustworth­y profession­als, in their first appearance in the annual Ipsos Mori “veracity” survey.

Politician­s – a stalwart of the bottom of the list – have sunk even lower in the year that brought the Brexit vote, the survey found.

The elected representa­tives are now trusted to tell the truth by 15% of the public, a drop of 6% from last year, according to the report published on Sunday. The authors said the drop may have been “surprising” if seen in any other year.

“But 2016 is, of course, some way away from being a normal year, and voters’ levels of trust in mainstream politician­s seem to be approachin­g rock bottom,” they added.

An Ipsos Mori poll just before June’s referendum found nearly half of Britons believed politician­s from either side were lying while 19% thought they were mostly telling the truth.

The report said: “One rare point of agreement between Leave and Remain voters is that neither of the campaigns covered themselves in glory; between them they demonstrat­ed most of the characteri­stics that turn voters off.

“Politician­s in Westminste­r in particular have much work to do to start reconnecti­ng with voters and demonstrat­ing that they have priorities other than getting their own viewpoints across and ignoring debate.”

Nurses were trusted to tell the truth by 93% of people, while doctors are by 91%, according to the poll of 1,019 adults.

Journalist­s fared little better than politician­s with 24% of people trusting them, putting them below bankers, estate agents and lawyers.

Teachers, judges and scientists followed the medical profession­als at the top of the list.

One rare point of agreement between Leave and Remain voters is that neither of the campaigns covered themselves in glory

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