The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Scotland left out in cold


Sir, - Martin Redfern’s letter, Let regions remain in the UK (January 13) hits dizzy heights of silliness. His counter-argument against a second independen­ce referendum using the comparison­s of regions of the UK voting Remain in the EU with regions of Scotland voting No to leaving the UK is hardly one and the same.

Scotland is a country with its own parliament, albeit not yet a particular­ly powerful one in the global context of devolved administra­tions.

It is not even the most powerfully devolved parliament that’s technicall­y part of the UK.

That honour surely goes to Gibraltar, a devo max peninsula that, like Scotland, voted to remain part of the EU.

We were told to vote No to remain in the EU, but we voted No, then later voted Remain, yet still Scotland is facing being forced outside the EU. Kenny Ritchie. 94 Woodside Way, Glenrothes.

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