The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

College offers extra exam help


Thousands of high school pupils across Fife and Kinross are benefiting from extra exam help from Fife College.

The college’s marketing department has delivered 8,000 study packs to 19 secondary schools.

Each pack contains a wealth of informatio­n for pupils, including study and exam tips and advice avoiding stress.

They feature items such as highlighte­r pens, flashcards, sticky notes, pens, pencils and a wall planner for study times.

The move follows a pilot scheme last year which was welcomed by all of the schools involved.

Dorothee Leslie, the college’s vice-principal for curriculum and academic planning, said: “We know that exam time can be a stressful time for both college students and school pupils.

“We wanted to give a helping hand, not just to our own students but to pupils in local high schools, many of whom will be progressin­g on to Fife College after the summer.”

Forbes Maginnis, depute headteache­r at Levenmouth Academy, is delighted with the resource.

“These study packs will be highly beneficial for the young people of Levenmouth Academy,” he said.

“These will be distribute­d next week and our parents will be informed.”

Jennifer Davidson, depute head at Kirkcaldy High, said pupils had found the study tips to be extremely beneficial.

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