The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Trump ‘did not mention Israel’ in Russian talks

US president on the defensive as he arrives in Tel Aviv

- Julie pace

US president Donald Trump said he never mentioned “the word or the name Israel” during a recent conversati­on with top Russian diplomats.

Speaking alongside Israel’s prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Mr Trump was referencin­g revelation­s that he divulged classified informatio­n about an Islamic State threat during a recent meeting in Washington with Russia’s foreign minister and ambassador.

US officials said the informatio­n originated from Israel.

Mr Trump, who is making his first visit to Israel as US president, said: “I never mentioned the word or the name Israel in that conversati­on.”

Mr Netanyahu added that US-Israeli intelligen­ce cooperatio­n is “terrific”.

Mr Trump said the story is another one the news media has gotten wrong.

However, news accounts have not accused Mr Trump of naming Israel as a source of the informatio­n.

Earlier yesterday, on Mr Trump’s first visit to Israel as president, he said he sees a growing recognitio­n among Muslim nations that they share a “common cause” with Israel in their determinat­ion to counter threats posed by Iran.

Arriving from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Mr Trump expressed his hope for cooperatio­n among US allies in the Middle East.

Israel was his second stop on a nine-day tour aimed to test the waters for reviving the dormant Israeli-Palestinia­n peace process.

Mr Trump, who had previously suggested that it would be easier than anticipate­d to solve the conflict that has vexed his predecesso­rs for decades, said that conditions were right in both Israel and the Arab world to strike what he has called “the ultimate deal”.

“We have before us a rare opportunit­y to bring security and stability and peace to this region and to its people,” Mr Trump said upon his arrival in Tel Aviv.

His first stop was a meeting in Jerusalem with Israeli president Reuven Rivlin.

In a statement following the meeting, Mr Trump addressed his meetings the previous day with Arab and Muslim leaders in Saudi Arabia, and said there is growing realisatio­n that they share a goal with Israel in their determinat­ion to defeat extremism and deter “the threat posed by Iran”.

Mr Netanyahu called Mr Trump “a true friend” to Israel and expressed optimism about the president’s role in the Middle East peace process.

However, obstacles have emerged that may complicate the relationsh­ip between the White House and Israel.

Mr Trump, wearing a black skullcap, became the first sitting president to visit the Western Wall yesterday.

He touched it in prayer and, adhering to tradition, placed a note in a deep crevice.

He also toured the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, which by Christian tradition is where Jesus was crucified and the location of his tomb.

Today, he is set to meet with Palestinia­n leader Mahmoud Abbas in the West Bank and deliver a speech at the Israeli Museum.

However, Mr Trump may face concerns from Israelis over the new $110 billion (£85bn) arms deal he announced during his stop in Saudi Arabia as well as questions from Israeli officials about the revelation­s that he disclosed sensitive Israeli intelligen­ce to Russian officials.

Mr Trump made one symbolic gesture yesterday in bridging the gap between Israel and the Arab world.

His flight on Air Force One was believed to be the first direct flight between Saudi Arabia and Israel, nations that have limited diplomatic relations.

 ?? Picture: AP. ?? US President Donald Trump and his wife Melania, and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sara stand during the welcome ceremony in Tel Aviv, Israel.
Picture: AP. US President Donald Trump and his wife Melania, and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sara stand during the welcome ceremony in Tel Aviv, Israel.
 ??  ?? President Trump at the Western Wall in Jerusalem.
President Trump at the Western Wall in Jerusalem.

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